This WebComponent, built using the IA Typescript WebComponent Template, provides support for Bookreader actions for borrowable books on Internet Archive. It extends the Open WebComponents generator with Internet Archive-specific features and developer tools.
yarn install --save @internetarchive/ia-book-actions
yarn start
To run a local development server that serves the basic demo located in index.html
<!-- index.html -->
html {
font-size: 10px;
/* This is to match petabox's base font size */
body {
margin: 0;
text-align: center;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
#demo {
height: 50px;
ia-book-actions {
--white: #fff;
--black: #000;
--primaryBGColor: var(--black);
--secondaryBGColor: #222;
--tertiaryBGColor: #333;
--primaryTextColor: var(--white);
--primaryCTAFill: #194880;
--primaryCTABorder: #c5d1df;
--secondaryCTAFill: #333;
--secondaryCTABorder: #999;
--secondaryCTAFillRGB: 51, 51, 51;
--primaryErrorCTAFill: #e51c26;
--primaryErrorCTABorder: #f8c6c8;
--primaryCTAFillRGB: 25, 72, 128;
--primaryErrorCTAFillRGB: 229, 28, 38;
--primaryDisableCTAFill: #767676;
<script type="module">
import '@internetarchive/ia-book-actions.js';
import { ModalConfig } from '@internetarchive/modal-manager';
import {
} from '../src/assets/data/lending-get-status-service.js';
let iaBookActions = document.querySelector('ia-book-actions');
iaBookActions.userid = '@neeraj-archive';
iaBookActions.identifier = 'naturalhistoryof00unse_4111';
iaBookActions.bookTitle = 'This is test title for any book';
iaBookActions.lendingStatus = {}; // lendinStatus in json
iaBookActions.bwbPurchaseUrl = '';
iaBookActions.barType = ''; // title|action
<!-- along with above properties, set barType to 'title' -->
<script type="module">
iaBookActions.barType = 'title'; // title|action
All of the config options:
let iaBookActions = document.querySelector('ia-book-actions');
const modalConfig = new ModalConfig(); // to show info/error modal
// set defaultLendingStatus for unavailable (without borrowables) book
iaBookActions.userid = '@jack';
iaBookActions.identifier = 'jack-sparrow';
iaBookActions.bookTitle = 'Contemporary Black biography. Volume 39 : profiles from the interContemporary Black biography. Volume 39';
iaBookActions.lendingStatus = {active_borrows: 0, active_browses: 0}, // complete lendingStatus object
iaBookActions.bwbPurchaseUrl = ''; // BWB purchase URl if any
iaBookActions.barType = '';
iaBookActions.modalConfig = modalConfig;
yarn install
yarn start
yarn test
yarn lint