is an attempt to create a php book for beginniers by the community. It aims to provide high quality good learning material to the very beginners sourcing the knowledge of the community, rather than a single author.
General guidlines about what to do and how to make this book a perfect learning experience for beginners are described in the "Write a chapter" chapter.
This book is a static generated content using docpad. It has a built in editor for text and code we can use to write the chapters, but making it not very trivial for a php developer. Docpad is a javascript application running on top of node.js, therefore you'll need a server with node.js installed. I completely understand this is not trivial and may reduce the amount of people able to contribute, but this threshold might also keep wanna-be's away. Anyway, I'd happily convert it to run on a php static site generator, such as Phrozn or Sculpin if those would provide interactive editting ability like does this one.
on Debian:sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
on Centos:yum install nodejs npm
on Windows:Download, click next, next -
Run npm install
npm install
Run the project: Double click on
This will also work on unix from shell: just./run.bat
That's it, the site and admin panel are ready.
Site: http://localhost:9778
Admin: http://localhost:3000
Please submit your pull requests via github.
In case of any problems do not hesistate to email me at Alex@phpguide