Evict users/clients from a TeamSpeak 3 server after a given time; useful for demo servers.
Download the latest release into /opt/ts3-evict/
(or any other folder):
mkdir -p /opt/ts3-evict/
cd /opt/ts3-evict/
curl -O -L https://github.com/irgendwr/ts3-evict/releases/latest/download/ts3-evict_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvzf ts3-evict_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
Create a file called .ts3-evict.yaml
inside this folder (e.g. using nano .ts3-evict.yaml
) and edit it to fit your needs.
See config section for examples.
Note: Do not use Tabs! Indent config with spaces instead.
Example with all options:
DefaultUsername: serveradmin
DefaultPassword: your-password-here
DefaultQueryPort: 10011
DefaultPorts: [9987, 9988]
Violators: violators.csv
# Timelimit (in minutes) before eviction
Timelimit: 5
Kicklimit: 3
Action: kick
Message: Timelimit exceeded.
KickMessage: Timelimit exceeded.
BanMessage: Timelimit exceeded.
# BanDuration (in seconds; 0 = permanent)
BanDuration: 0
# Delay (in seconds) before doing action
Delay: 5
- Server Admin
- Server Query Admin
- musicbot
- IP: ts3.example.com
- IP: another.ts3.example.com
Ports: [9987]
- IP:
QueryPort: 10011
Ports: [9987, 9988, 9989]
Username: serveradmin
Password: your-secret-password
Example for a single TS3 server:
Timelimit: 5 # Timelimit (in minutes) before eviction
Action: kick
Message: Timelimit exceeded.
Delay: 5 # Delay (in seconds) before doing action
- Server Admin
- Server Query Admin
- musicbot
- IP:
QueryPort: 10011
Ports: [9987]
Username: serveradmin
Password: your-secret-password
Run /opt/ts3-evict/ts3-evict
Run make