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Instructional Design Template

This template is designed to assist in the development of training materials for the United States Army. The structure is based on the Experiential Learning Model (ELM) and the TRADOC Pamphlets for Course Development.

To learn more about using git and markdown for unit training, see the Enhancing Unit Training with Git and Markdown document.

Reference to the following Doctrine from TRADOC Administrative Publications:

  • TP 350-70-1
  • TP 350-70-3
  • TP 350-70-7
  • TP 350-70-9
  • TP 350-70-12
  • TP 350-70-13
  • TP 350-70-14
  • TP 380-10 (Foreign Disclosure Pamphlet)

And ATP 5-19, Risk Management, 14 April 2014

Providing Feedback and Contributing

If you have feedback or would like to contribute to this template, please create an issue or pull request in the repository. Your feedback is valuable and will help improve the quality of template.

Fork the Template to Create Your Own Instructional Design Repository

This is a template for instructional design. Fork this template to create your own instructional design repository for a course, training, or exchanges.

  1. Select the Fork button in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Select your account or organization to fork the repository into.
  3. Update the repository name and description to match your course or training.
  4. Update the file with your course or training information.
  5. Begin developing your course or training materials.

Download the Repository to Your Local Machine

  1. Graphical Option: Use the Download Button Above.
  2. Terminal Option (Recommended) to keep the repository updated. This URL is for the template repository you will need to change it to your repository URL.
    git clone

Update the Repository

Navigate inside the main repository directory and execute the following command:

git pull

If you have made local changes this will not work or require manual merging of content. An update may bring about changes in the file structure or content.

For Students

  1. Read the Course Materials: Start with Course_Syllabus-POI-NAME
  2. Review the Course Schedule: Familiarize yourself with the course schedule in 2-Course_Schedule
  3. Complete the Coursework: Work through the course materials, including lesson plans, audio-visual content, and practical exercises.

For Developers

  1. Read the Developer Guide: Start with Developer Guide
  2. Review the Developer Workbook: Familiarize yourself with Developer_Workbook.xlsx
  3. Start with Analysis: Begin by defining the problem statement in 1.Problem
  4. Follow the Development Process:
    • Complete the DOTMLPF analysis in
    • Continue through task analysis, individual task analysis, DIF, ITA, SKM, performance measures, and TAP.

For Instructors

  1. Read the Developer Guide: Start with Analysis_Instructions to understand the development process.
  2. Review the Course Materials:


Training is designed primarily based on the Experiential Learning Model (ELM), taught at SWCS Course Faculty Course, and is a private sector standard.

If you have not been to the SWCS Course Faculty Course yet, study the following content:

Academic Hour

50 minutes is an “hour” to allow students to take a 10-minute break or two 5-minute breaks.


Templates can be notes or entire folders. Duplicate templates as needed.


Comments are between percent symbols (%%) and may describe. %%This is an inline comment%%

  1. Why something is included, excluded, or modified
  2. How to properly use a section %%This is a comment which... Comments can be single-line or multi-line%%


#Knowledge, #Skills, #Resources, and #SupportingTasks should be added as tags to allow for quick sorting and linking


NOTE is used when an instructor is supposed to perform an action or deliver instruction to students.


Pages, Directories, and Files can be linked directly or using relative path formatting. Adding an "!" will embed the page when using obsidian. Linked Item Name or Linked Item Name


Quote Brackets are used to show the instructor what needs to be paraphrased; a note will also provide this guidance

Verbatim Quotes and Code

Code Blocks are used for code 
Code Blocks are also used for verbatim requirements, which should not be paraphrased. The code block allows an instructor to notice quickly and to copy if needed.

Spacing and New Lines

To Create New Lines, especially inside a table - use <br>, which will create a line break and continue typing.

Creating a Line Break with a Line can help when sorting content. Use three (3) - in a single line to create a line break such as this:

##### SLIDE should be used to show movement to a new slide. This will allow collapsing and expanding slide instructions to be represented on the table of contents.

Moving to Slides

Spacing and newlines can cause differences in how Obsidian renders markdown. It is essential to include a new line after a "---" line break for proper rendering.

For Instructors and Students: Creating Issues

  1. Identify the Section: Clearly identify the section of the training material that requires attention.
  2. Create an Issue: Use the GitHub issue tracker to create a new issue.
    • Title: Issue with [Specific Section Name]
    • Description: Describe the issue in detail. Include any relevant information such as discrepancies, errors, or suggestions for improvement.
    • Labels: Apply relevant labels such as "bug", "enhancement", or "question".

Background of Process and Format

This structure was developed after over a year of course development and instruction, with TRADOC Doctrine and the SWCS Course Developer Course referenced.

How to Use This Notebook


This markdown structure is best when used with Obsidian

To expand or collapse sections/headers in a note Top Menu > Insert > {"Fold" or “Unfold”} or configure a keyboard shortcut using the app preferences


sed on MacOS

  • Problem: sed for Mac is missing some options which limit cross-compatibility when replacing a string.
  • Solution: Install gnu-sed and map the PATH as needed.
    brew install gnu-sed

Replace a string in all documents

  • Solution:
    grep -RiIl 'Original_String';sleep 5;grep -RiIl 'Original_String' | xargs sed -i 's/Original_String/Replacement_New_String/g'

Run Git Commands on Multiple Directories

  • Solution:
    find . -name .git -print -execdir git pull \;

Create a copy of instructor files and convert

This assumes you have the following installed:

  • LibreOffice
  • pandoc
  • wkhtmltopdf may also be needed for some conversions

Location to execute this is: /Counter_Malign_Information_Training/Counter_Malign_Information/4-Implement-For_Instructors/Lesson_Plans/Instructor_Copy/

find .. -type f -name 'Instructor-Lesson_Slide*.pptx' -exec /Applications/ --headless --convert-to pdf {} \;
find .. -type f -name 'Instructor-Lesson_Slide*.pdf' -exec cp {} ./ \;
find .. -type f -name 'Lesson_Plan*.md' -exec pandoc {} --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf -o "{}.pdf" \;
find .. -type f -name 'Lesson_Plan*.pdf' -exec mv {} ./ \;
find .. -type f -name 'Advanced_Organizer*.md' -exec pandoc {} --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf -o "{}.pdf" \;
find .. -type f -name 'Advanced_Organizer*.pdf' -exec mv {} ./ \;
cp ../../3-Design/ ./
cp ../ ./
cd ./
# Use Pandoc to convert markdown files to PDF
for file in *.md; do
    pandoc "$file" --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf -o "${}.pdf"


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