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In this project, we will use LocalStack to locally simulate some services provided by AWS Cloud such as OpenSearch, S3, and Secrets Manager. Additionally, to simplify the use of AWS managed services, we will use Spring Cloud AWS.

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In this project, we will use LocalStack to locally simulate some services provided by AWS Cloud such as OpenSearch, S3, and Secrets Manager. Additionally, to simplify the use of AWS managed services, we will use Spring Cloud AWS.

Note: Check out the springboot-aws-localstack-dynamodb-lambda-sns-sqs repository. In it, we have developed two Spring Boot applications for producing and listening to news updates. We also utilized LocalStack to locally simulate AWS Cloud services such as DynamoDB, Lambda, SNS and SQS.

Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On, I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.

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  • movie-api

    Spring Boot Java Web application that exposes a REST API and provides a UI for indexing movies.

    It has the following endpoints:

     GET /api/movies/{imdb}
    POST /api/movies {"imdb":"...", "title":"...", "posterUrl":"...", "year":"...", "released":"...", "imdbRating":"...", "genre":"...", "runtime":"...", "director":"...", "writer":"...", "actors":"...", "plot":"...", "language":"...", "country":"...", "awards":"..."}
    POST /api/movies/{imdb}/uploadPoster

    The information of the movies, such as imdb, title, year, etc, are stored in OpenSearch that is hosted in LocalStack. The movie's poster is stored in S3 buckets.

    The movie-api has access to OMDb API to search and add easily new movies. To make requests to OMDb API, an apiKey is needed. This key is stored as a secret in Secrets Manager.

  • movie-ui

    Spring Boot Java Web application with a user interface designed for searching movies indexed in movie-api. To populate its UI with movie data, movie-ui communicates with movie-api by making requests to its endpoints. The movie’s poster is retrieved from the S3 bucket.


Start and Initialize LocalStack

  • In a terminal, make sure you are inside the springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager root folder;

  • Start LocalStack Docker container:

    DEBUG=1 docker compose up -d
  • [Optional] Debug logs are enabled to provide more insights into what is happening. To monitor localstack Docker container logs, run the command below:

    docker logs localstack
  • Initialize LocalStack by running the following script:

    ./ <OMDB_API_KEY>

    The script requires OMDB_API_KEY as first and unique argument. The script will create:

    • a domain for OpenSearch as well as the movies index using the movies-settings.json provided;
    • bucket com.ivanfranchin.movieapi.posters in S3;
    • a secret for OMDB_API_KEY in Secrets Manager.

Running applications with Maven

  • movie-api

    In a terminal, inside the springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager root folder, run the following command:

    export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 && export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key && export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret && \
      ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects movie-api
  • movie-ui

    In another terminal and, inside the springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager root folder, run the command below:

    ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects movie-ui

Running applications as Docker container

  • Build Docker images

    In a terminal, inside the springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager root folder, run the following script:

  • Run Docker containers

    • movie-api

      In a terminal, run the following command:

      docker run --rm --name movie-api -p 9080:9080 \
        -e AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret \
        --network=springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager_default \
    • movie-ui

      In another terminal, run the command below:

      docker run --rm --name movie-ui -p 9081:9081 \
        -e MOVIE_API_URL=http://movie-api:9080 \
        --network=springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager_default \

Application URL

Application Type URL
movie-api Swagger http://localhost:9080/swagger-ui.html
movie-api UI http://localhost:9080
movie-ui UI http://localhost:9081


  • Adding movie: in the GIF below, we are using movie-api to add the movie "American Pie 2"


  • Searching movies: in the GIF below, we are using movie-ui to search for movies


Useful Links

  • OpenSearch

    Check indexes

    curl ""

    Simple search

    curl ""


  • To stop the applications, go to the terminal where they are running and press Ctrl+C;
  • To stop and remove Docker Compose containers, network, and volumes, go to a terminal and, inside the springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager root folder, run the following command:
    docker compose down -v


To remove the Docker images created by this project, go to a terminal and, inside the springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager root folder, run the script below:



In this project, we will use LocalStack to locally simulate some services provided by AWS Cloud such as OpenSearch, S3, and Secrets Manager. Additionally, to simplify the use of AWS managed services, we will use Spring Cloud AWS.







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