A DSL to query the ACM digital library
The query can be modified in src/query.rkt
and then run:
racket main.rkt
If the query is valid it would open the result of the query in a chrome window.
To change the browser in which you want the results to be displayed, change the path string assigned to the browser-bin-path
variable in the src/main.rkt
An example query would look like:
'( (
[define-query func-lambda-church
(conj (abstract
(disj "functional"
"lambda calculus"))
(author (conj "church"))
[define-query term-klop
(conj (abstract
(disj "term rewriting"))
(author (conj "klop"))
(run-query (disj func-lambda-church term-klop))
;; <exp> ::= ((<list-of-define-query>) <run-stmt>)
;; <list-of-define-query> :=
;; | (define-query <symbol> <query>) <list-of-define-query>
;; <run-stmt> ::= (run-query <query>)
;; <query> ::= <symbol>
;; | (conj (<list-of-query>))
;; | (disj (<list-of-query>))
;; | (<select-attr> (conj (<list-of-attr>)))
;; | (<select-attr> (disj (<list-of-attr>)))
;; <list-of-query> ::=
;; | <query> <list-of-query>
;; <list-of-attr> ::=
;; | <attr> <list-of-attr>
;; <attr> ::= <string>
;; <select-attr> ::= paper-title
;; | pub-title
;; | author
;; | abstract
;; | full-text
;; | conf-location
;; | conf-sponsor
;; | isbn
;; | doi