Nebulas rank offline service
Compile and install nebulas, tutorial here.
- Boost version >= 1.67.0
- LLVM/Clang++ version >= 6.0.0
- Python version 2.7
- Flask version >= 1.0.2
- Arangodb version >= 3.3.14
- Arangodb c++ driver fuerte, branch makeFuerteGreateAgain
- Arangodb serialization and storage format, velocypack
- Arangodb python driver, python-arango
- Http-parser version >= 2.8.1
$ cd /path/to/nr-service
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make
- Run nebulas node, sync blocks from genesis block to the latest
- Run arangodb, build arangodb collections, script in
- Run
in directory$PATH_TO_NR-SERVICE/cpp/bin
, to build transaction graph - Run
in the same directory
- Query transaction by block height,
curl -s "http://localhost:6000/transaction?start_block=400100&end_block=400200"
- Query transaction by address,
curl -s "http://localhost:6000/transaction?address=n1Q6JhXKWXCkyvoqymN4LPd6J1tentyKRVF"
- Query account by address,
curl -s "http://localhost:6000/account?address=n1Q6JhXKWXCkyvoqymN4LPd6J1tentyKRVF"
- Query nebulas rank by date,
curl -s "http://localhost:6000/nr?date=20180620"