Chess clock built with esp32 d1 mini
This repo contains the wiring diagram, CAD file for the 3D printed case and the code to run on the esp32.
- ESP32 D1 Mini
- TM1637 7-Bit display
- 0.96 OLED display
- KY-021 reed sensor
- 18650 battery shield
- Tactile push button
Of course this is up to personal preference but this is how I assembled everything.
- Parallel chain all peripheral components (Ground + VCC)
- Already add data to components when soldering the power lines
- Superglue buttons to the case
- Solder ground and data line to buttons
- Solder every data line to the ESP32
- Solder the power lines (ESP32, peripherals and ground for buttons) to the battery shield
- Superglue magnets into magnet holder
- Add threaded inserts into holes
- Screw in every component in place
- OLED display has to be superglued as case was to thin to add screws
- OLED display has to be superglued into place
- Between 5-8min fixed time the first move subtracts 2 seconds on start and not 1 as it should