A Growl notification library that uses native C bindings to interact with GrowlApplicationBridge rather than Growl's network API.
>> require 'real_growl'
=> true
>> rg("Check out", ["Real", "Growl"], :icon => "/path/to/a/picture.jpg")
>> rg("Google", ["Real", "Growl"], :icon => "http://www.google.com/logos/stpatricks_d4gwinner_eo09.gif")
=> nil
>> RealGrowl.sticky = false
=> false
>> RealGrowl.priority = 3
=> 3
>> RealGrowl.icon = "/the/path/cool.png"
=> "/the/path/cool.png"
>> require 'real_growl'
>> my_own_application = RealGrowl::Application.new("AppName")
=> #<RealGrowl::Application:0x1018eb6b8>
>> my_own_application.notify(:title => "Title", :description => "Desc", :priority => 0, :sticky => true, :icon => "/path/to/image.png")
>> RealGrowl.installed?
=> true
>> RealGrowl.running?
=> true
- Add executable script
- Enable growl callbacks
- MacOS X 10.5 > ??
- Growl Framework - http://growl.info/downloads_developers.php
- Download latest Growl SDK (http://growl.cachefly.net/Growl-1.3.1-SDK.zip)
- cp -r /Volumes/Growl\ 1.3.1\ SDK/Frameworks/Growl.framework /Library/Frameworks
- gem install real-growl
Make sure that the Growl.framework is either 32bit or the 64bit depending on the version of MacOS X installed and the kind of machine it is installed on.
Uses slop to easily call a Growl notification with options (http://github.com/injekt/slop).
$ realgrowl
$ realgrowl -t "New alert"
$ realgrowl -d "A new notification of something!" -t "New alert"
- basicxman (Growl Executable)