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Fixed issue with build parameters not being correctly set. Fixes #19
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nickgrealy committed Jul 29, 2016
1 parent b9b0cd6 commit d9f0ea0
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Showing 5 changed files with 129 additions and 37 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ dependencies {
compile "org.jenkins-ci.lib:xtrigger-lib:0.25"
compile "com.sun.mail:javax.mail:1.5.1"

// Useful for interrogating the injected environment variables...
// compile "org.jenkins-ci.plugins:envinject:1.92.1"
// compile("org.jenkins-ci.lib:envinject-lib:1.23"){ force = true }

testCompile('org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.3') { force = true }
testCompile('junit:junit:4.12') { force = true }
testCompile 'org.jvnet.mock-javamail:mock-javamail:1.9'
Expand All @@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ configurations.findAll {!'junit-dep')}.each { conf ->

jpi.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
jpi.doLast {
verifySize(file(jpi.archivePath), 638)
verifySize(file(jpi.archivePath), 639)

task unzip(type: Copy) {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ public static CustomProperties initialiseDefaults(
return p;

public static FormValidation checkForEmails(final CustomProperties properties, final XTriggerLog log, final boolean testConnection, final PollMailboxTrigger pmt) {
public static FormValidation checkForEmails(final CustomProperties properties, final XTriggerLog logger, final boolean testConnection, final PollMailboxTrigger pmt) {
MailReader mailbox = null;
final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_TEXT);
List<String> testing = new ArrayList<String>();
TeeLogger log = new TeeLogger(logger, new ArrayList<String>());
try {
Enum[] requiredProps = {, Properties.storeName, Properties.username, Properties.password};
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
Expand All @@ -224,13 +224,20 @@ public static FormValidation checkForEmails(final CustomProperties properties, f
new Logger.XTriggerLoggerWrapper(log),
new Logger.XTriggerLoggerWrapper(log.getLog()),
final String connected = "Connected to mailbox. "; + "Searching for messages where:");

// output found properties..."Found properties:");
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(properties.keySet());
for (String key : keys) {
String obfuscatedValue = ? "***" : properties.get(key);"- [" + key + ":" + obfuscatedValue + "]");
}"Connected to mailbox. Searching for messages where:");
// search for messages
List<SearchTerm> searchTerms = new ArrayList<SearchTerm>();
// unread
Expand All @@ -240,21 +247,25 @@ public static FormValidation checkForEmails(final CustomProperties properties, f
if (properties.has(subjectContains)) {
searchTerms.add(subject(properties.get(subjectContains)));"- [subject contains '" + properties.get(subjectContains) + "']");
} else {"- [subject contains - filter not set]");
// received since X minutes ago
if (!isStorePop3(storeNameValue) && properties.has(receivedXMinutesAgo)) {
final int minsAgo = Integer.parseInt(properties.get(receivedXMinutesAgo)) * -1;
Date date = relativeDate(Calendar.MINUTE, minsAgo);
searchTerms.add(receivedSince(date));"- [received date is greater than '" + dateFormat.format(date) + "']");
} else {"- [received date - filter not set]");
if (!properties.has(folder)) {
throw new FolderNotFoundException();
} else {
// look for mail...
final MailWrapperUtils.FolderWrapper mbFolder = mailbox.folder(properties.get(folder));
testing.add("Searching folder...");"Searching folder...");
String downloadAttachments = properties.get(Properties.attachments);
MessagesWrapper messagesTool =;
List<Message> messageList = messagesTool.getMessages();
Expand All @@ -265,7 +276,6 @@ public static FormValidation checkForEmails(final CustomProperties properties, f
final String foundEmails = "Found matching email(s) : " + messageList.size() + subjects.toString();;
if (!testConnection) {
// trigger jobs...
for (Message message : messageList) {
Expand All @@ -286,30 +296,32 @@ public static FormValidation checkForEmails(final CustomProperties properties, f

String jobCause = "Job was triggered by email sent from " + stringify(message.getFrom());
// start a jenkins job...
pmt.startJob(log, jobCause, buildParams.getMap());
pmt.startJob(log.getLog(), jobCause, buildParams.getMap());
// finally mark the message as read so that we don't reprocess it...
} else {"'Test connection' mode enabled - server connection skipped");
// return success
if (testConnection) {
testing.add("\nResult: Success!");
return FormValidation.ok(stringify(testing, "\n"));"\nResult: Success!");
return FormValidation.ok(stringify(log.getTesting(), "\n"));
} catch (FolderNotFoundException e) {
// list any folders we can find...
try {
testing.add("Please set the 'folder=XXX' parameter to one of the following values: ");"Please set the 'folder=XXX' parameter to one of the following values: ");
final String folders = stringify(mailbox.getFolders());
testing.add("Folders: " + folders);"Folders: " + folders);;
return FormValidation.error(stringify(testing, "\n"));
return FormValidation.error(stringify(log.getTesting(), "\n"));
} catch (Throwable t) {
return handleError(log, testing, t);
return handleError(log.getLog(), log.getTesting(), t);
} catch (Throwable t) {
return handleError(log, testing, t);
return handleError(log.getLog(), log.getTesting(), t);
} finally {
// cleanup connections
if (mailbox != null) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,10 +445,14 @@ protected void startJob(final XTriggerLog log, final String jobTriggerCause, fin
AbstractProject project = getJob();
List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>();
actions.add(new ParametersAction(getParameterizedParams(project, envVars)));
actions.add(new ParametersAction(convertToBuildParams(envVars)));

// build parameters for schedule job...
// setup build params...
List<ParameterValue> buildParams = new ArrayList<ParameterValue>();
buildParams.addAll(getParameterizedParams(log, project, envVars));
actions.add(new ParametersAction(buildParams));

// schedule job...
Cause cause = new NewEmailCause(getName(), jobTriggerCause, true);
Action[] actionsArray = actions.toArray(new Action[actions.size()]);
project.scheduleBuild(0, cause, actionsArray);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,11 +488,10 @@ private List<ParameterValue> convertToBuildParams(final Map<String, String> envV
* map values if possible, else use defaults.
private List<ParameterValue> getParameterizedParams(final AbstractProject project, final Map<String, String> envVars) {
private List<ParameterValue> getParameterizedParams(final XTriggerLog log, final AbstractProject project, final Map<String, String> envVars) {
List<ParameterValue> buildParams = new ArrayList<ParameterValue>();
if (project.isParameterized()) {
Class<? extends JobProperty> clazz = ParametersDefinitionProperty.class;
JobProperty properties = project.getProperty(clazz);
JobProperty properties = project.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class);
if (properties != null && properties instanceof ParametersDefinitionProperty) {
ParametersDefinitionProperty parameterizedProperties = (ParametersDefinitionProperty) properties;
for (ParameterDefinition parameterDef : parameterizedProperties.getParameterDefinitions()) {
Expand All @@ -485,13 +500,23 @@ private List<ParameterValue> getParameterizedParams(final AbstractProject projec
if (envVars.containsKey(parameterName)) {
if (parameterDef instanceof SimpleParameterDefinition) {
SimpleParameterDefinition simpleParamDef = (SimpleParameterDefinition) parameterDef;
parameterValue = simpleParamDef.createValue(envVars.get(parameterName));
String newValue = envVars.get(parameterName);"Replacing default parameter '%s' with value '%s'", parameterName, newValue));
parameterValue = simpleParamDef.createValue(newValue);
} else {"Job property '%s' is not a Simple parameter. Keeping default value.", parameterName));
} else {"Job property '%s' doesn't exist in env vars, using default value.", parameterName));
} else {"Job has no properties.");
} else {"Job has no parameters.");
return buildParams;
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package org.jenkinsci.plugins.pollmailboxtrigger;

import org.jenkinsci.lib.xtrigger.XTriggerLog;

import java.util.List;

* I pity the fool, who tries to log to two places...
* <b>See also:</b> <a href=""></a>
public class TeeLogger {

private XTriggerLog log;
private List<String> testing;

public TeeLogger(final XTriggerLog log, final List<String> testing) {
this.log = log;
this.testing = testing;

public void info(final String message) {;

public void error(final String message) {

public XTriggerLog getLog() {
return log;

public List<String> getTesting() {
return testing;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,21 +36,38 @@ Feature: Runtime - Start Job
Connecting to the mailbox...
[Poll Mailbox Trigger] - Connected!
Found properties:
- [attachments:IGNORE]
- [folder:INBOX]
- []
- [mail.debug:false]
- [mail.debug.auth:false]
- [mail.imap.connectiontimeout:1000]
- []
- [mail.imap.port:143]
- [password:***]
- [receivedXMinutesAgo:1440]
- [storeName:imap]
- [subjectContains:jenkins >]
- [username:rick]
Connected to mailbox. Searching for messages where:
- [flag is unread]
- [subject contains 'jenkins >']
- [received date is greater than '<date>']
Searching folder...
Found matching email(s) : 2
- Jenkins > Build Plugin #3 (<date>)
- Jenkins > Build Plugin #4 (<date>)
Download attachments? IGNORE
Changes found. Scheduling a build.
Job has no parameters.
Marked email(s) as read : 1
Download attachments? IGNORE
Changes found. Scheduling a build.
Job has no parameters.
Marked email(s) as read : 1
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

Feature: Test Connection - Happy Paths

Background: The tests are setup.
Background: The tests are setup
Given the plugin is initialised
And a mailbox with domain and username rick
And I set the configuration to
Expand All @@ -13,55 +13,63 @@ Feature: Test Connection - Happy Paths

Scenario: Zero Emails.
Scenario: Zero Emails
Given the emails
| Subject | SentXMinutesAgo | IsSeenFlag |
When I test the connection
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox. <br>Searching folder...<br>Found matching email(s) : 0<br><br>Result: Success!'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox.'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Found matching email(s) : 0<br>'

# One Email

Scenario: One Email - Subject doesn't match.
Scenario: One Email - Subject doesn't match
Given the emails
| Subject | SentXMinutesAgo | IsSeenFlag |
| Hudson > Build Plugin #1 | 5 | false |
When I test the connection
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox. <br>Searching folder...<br>Found matching email(s) : 0<br><br>Result: Success!'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox.'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Found matching email(s) : 0<br>'

Scenario: One Email - SentXMinutesAgo is outside of range.
Scenario: One Email - SentXMinutesAgo is outside of range
Given the emails
| Subject | SentXMinutesAgo | IsSeenFlag |
| Jenkins > Build Plugin #1 | 1445 | false |
When I test the connection
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox. <br>Searching folder...<br>Found matching email(s) : 0<br><br>Result: Success!'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox.'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Found matching email(s) : 0<br>'

Scenario: One Email - Email has already been read.
Scenario: One Email - Email has already been read
Given the emails
| Subject | SentXMinutesAgo | IsSeenFlag |
| Jenkins > Build Plugin #1 | 5 | true |
When I test the connection
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox. <br>Searching folder...<br>Found matching email(s) : 0<br><br>Result: Success!'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox.'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Found matching email(s) : 0<br>'

Scenario: One Email - subject, sentDateTime and isSeen flag match.
Scenario: One Email - subject, sentDateTime and isSeen flag match
Given the emails
| Subject | SentXMinutesAgo | IsSeenFlag |
| Jenkins > Build Plugin #1 | 5 | false |
When I test the connection
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox. <br>Searching folder...<br>Found matching email(s) : 1<br><br>- Jenkins > Build Plugin #1'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox.'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Found matching email(s) : 1<br>'
Then the response should be OK with message '- Jenkins > Build Plugin #1'

# Multiple Emails

Scenario: Multiple Emails - all match.
Scenario: Multiple Emails - all match
Given the emails
| Subject | SentXMinutesAgo | IsSeenFlag |
| Jenkins > Build Plugin #1 | 5 | false |
| Jenkins > Build Plugin #2 | 10 | false |
| Jenkins > Build Plugin #3 | 15 | false |
When I test the connection
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox. <br>Searching folder...<br>Found matching email(s) : 3<br><br>- Jenkins > Build Plugin #1'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Connected to mailbox.'
Then the response should be OK with message 'Found matching email(s) : 3<br>'
Then the response should be OK with message '- Jenkins > Build Plugin #1'

# Scenario: I want the plugin to tell me if authentication failed, so that I can troubleshoot the root cause of any issues.
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