NOAA GHCN version 4 Beta Land Precipitation:
This data set provides monthly precipitation totals for over 100,000 stations across the globe. Totals are provided in millimeters. The main files are:
- ghcn-m_v4_prcp_inventory.txt
- ghcn-m_v4_prcp_readme.txt
- and a zip file with over 300,000 csv files, each file for every station
- Read in inventory file, which is a txt file that includes a list of all stations along with the start and end years
- Add a header for each column as the first row to the file (get the columns from the readme file)
- From the inventory file, get a list of names of files for which there is data for 2023
- Store the station ids in a list for all stations that have 2023 data
- Filter the csv files for only those files and copy them to the "2023" folder
- For all the csv files in the 2023 folder, add a header for each column as the first row to the file (get the columns from the readme file)
- For each file in 2023, get only the row for 2023-05, and append it to a final csv dataset in the "final" folder named 2023MayData.csv
A csv file with all stations with 2023 data, showing only the most updated dataset (2023 May, most updated data as of June 30)
For this repo, I kept only 2000 out of 122063 individual stations csv files to serve as an example, you can download the full dataset here and run the same code on this dataset: