-- src
-- alg1.m: SC
-- alg2.m: FairSC
-- alg3.m: s-FairSC
-- Afun.m: spmv function to eig in alg3.m
-- Afun2.m: spmv function to eig in alg1.m and alg2.m
-- test
-- m-SBM: experiment on the Modified Stochastic Block Model
-- lastfm: experiment on Last.fm dataset
-- friendship: experiment on FacebookNet dataset
-- ranLap: experiment on random Laplacian
alg1.m, alg2.m, and part of m-SBM are credited to https://github.com/matthklein/fair_spectral_clustering
Real dataset: Last.fm | FacebookNet
Paper is accepted at the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2023). Proceedings available at https://proceedings.mlr.press/v206/wang23h.html