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The repository contains working C# code for different components of a FPS game built using Unity3d and UFPS


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License: MIT

The repository contains working C# code for different components of a FPS game built using Unity3d and UFPS with a Survivial theme . The screenshots folder and readme file for each component contain steps to understand the the functionality .

##UFPS UFPS is a professional FPS base platform for Unity. One of the longest-running and most popular titles of the Unity Asset Store, it’s known for smooth controls and fluid, realtime-generated camera and weapon motion

Following game logic is covered in each package :

1) AddForceNSpawn -

Add Force and Spawn new GameObject OnTriggerStay

2) BatteryPickupandTorchController-

The code contains two packages one each for picking up batteries by the player and torch controller

3) BulletParticle -

This package contains code for spawning custom bullet particles when hit with the object using Raycasting and Particle system.

4) ChangeGunAccuracy -

Contains logic for decreasing gun accuracy by adding shake with time when player's health decrease

5) CODGhostEffect -

This package shows COD Ghost like popup effect when player hits a collectible

6) InventoryController -

The package contains InventoryController.cs which is a Singleton Manager class. To use anywhere in scripts just call InventoryController.instance.anyFunctionName() .This makes all the related logic to go inside just one controller class which can be reused .

It handles following scenarios : Item pick-up:

  • Item pick-up with E.
  • Max carry for items is 2x for each item.
  • After 2x pick-up show gui "Inventory full".

UI - inventory:

  • Pressing Q shows inventory(fade in). Inventory fades out after 5 seconds.
  • When inventory is open pressing E consumes food.

7) PauseMenu -

This script shows a pause menu when Esc key is pressed. A button "resume game" does same on click and hides pause menu. The mouse cursor becomes visible when game is in pause state , applies to Unity 5.2 .

8) RotateCameraUFPS -

The package contain solution to rotate camera using UFPS , but the rotation is abrupt/sudden

8) SurvivalScript -

The package contains logic and assets to show a survival game aspect where the Helath , Thirst and Temperature is affected and corresponding gui is changed . OnTriggerEnter of Food , Water or Fire normalizes the corresponsidng survial property

8) ThermalController -


  • When close to object tag "fireplace" by raycast press "E" to spawn prefab.
  • Spawns(turn on) prefab(fire) and collider for heat/temperature.
  • Spawning only turns-on disabled object.
  • For this a simplified approach of 2 cubes, one on top of another is used, top cube will turn on.

UI - frost/heat:

  • Frost counter is hidden and value is min 0 - max 60.
  • Frost icon shows when counter is less than 20.
  • When frost is 0 health lowers by 5hp per second.
  • Frost goes down by 0.5 per second when not near heat source.
  • When near heat source "frost" goes up by 8 units per second to max 60.
  • When "frost" is 60 "heat icon" disappears.

8) WeaponSwicthAndDashboard -

Package contains logic for showing a Weapon Dashboard and changing gun using UFPS .4


Divyanshu – @LinkedIn[email protected]

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


The repository contains working C# code for different components of a FPS game built using Unity3d and UFPS








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