Control your YouTube Shorts just like a normal YouTube video! Features include progress bar, seeking, playback speed, auto skip and more. You can also customize the keybinds to your liking!
- Chrome Extension:
- Firefox Add-on:
- Progress bar at the bottom with time and duration
- Seeking 5 seconds backward and forward with arrow keys
- Auto skip short when current one ends
- Auto skip short with likes below custom threshold (e.g. 500 likes)
- Auto open comment section on each short
- Decrease and increase playback speed with keys U and O
- Revert to normal speed with I or by clicking the speed button
- Control volume with the volume slider or with - and =, mute audio with M
- Mini timestamp and speed above the like button (can be scrolled on!)
- Navigate to next or previous short without animation with W and S
- Go to the next frame or previous frame with . and , while paused
- Customizable keybinds
Action | Shortcut |
Seek Backward (+5s) | ArrowLeft |
Seek Forward (-5s) | ArrowRight |
Decrease Speed | KeyU |
Reset Speed | KeyI |
Increase Speed | KeyO |
Decrease Volume | Minus |
Increase Volume | Equal |
Toggle Mute | KeyM |
Next Frame | Comma |
Previous Frame | Period |
Next Short | KeyS |
Previous Short | KeyW |
If you faced any issue with the extension or any suggestion that can help to improve the extension, you may create an issue here or if you know how to code, fork the repo, make the necessary changes and create a pull request.
You may leave your feedback in this Google Form.
MIT License