- Analysis ocean acoustics data from Peru
- How can we apply AI/ML algorithms to classify and predict marine species to contribute to better marine resource management?
- Agricultural businesses in Germany 1999 - 2007
- Simple example for geospatial visualizations
- Solving little coding problems in python from different sources
- Example: sort picture by location, time and name
- Health insurance in Texas by ethnicity and education
- Recursive partictioning and ML modelling
- CAMIS = Comparing Analysis Method Implementations in Software
- Replication of analysis methods in different software and to identify the fundamental sources of discrepant results between software.
- See outputs: psiaims.github.io/CAMIS/
- Building a minimum viable product for an app that supports soil testing and regenerative agriculture.
- Build a dashboard for soil tests outputs hosted here: https://jmanitz.shinyapps.io/soilapp/
- Moved to https://github.com/jmanitz/soil_testing_app
- Land Protection Status in Massachuetts for 30x30 goal
- Geospatial visualizations and basic calculations for proportion of protected land
- Moved to https://github.com/jmanitz/climate_data_book
- Time series analysis of Temperature shift in Boston
- Moved to https://github.com/jmanitz/climate_data_book