This is my fourth project of GeeksHubs Academy FSD bootcamp.
The objective is to create an API restful backend simulating a Video Rental Store business model.
More than seeking to simulate a real business model, what has been sought is trying to test the largest possible type of requests for thus practice and also have a template guide for future projects.
As mentioned, I wanted to explore the largest number of options in the same project. Therefore two different API restful programming methods have been used:
For Users and Orders:
xxxRouter has the controller function call in each endpoint.
xxxController has the different controller functions with each promise and its resulting response.
For Films:
xxxRouter has the promise and sends the response in res.json.
xxxController has a FilmsClass instanced as FilmsController.
FilmsClass has the different methods that execute the logic and results are returned to the endpoint method call.
The database has 3 tables: - User: User profiles related One-To-Many with Order table - Films: Films profiles related One-To-Many with Order table - Order: Information about which films has each User with the price of the Order and the date when the Film was booked (outDate) and the date when the User has to return the film (returnDate).
The project is fully deployed in Heroku server so you only need to download Postman application for testing it.
1 Download and install Postman
2 Download the file ../deploy/videoStoreEng.postman_collection.json from this respository
3 Open Postman and click on Import
4 Upload videoStore.postman_collection.json file and Import it
5 Expand the new videoStore tab and all the endpoints will be shown
In Postman, select the request you want to test from videoStore collection, configure the inputs if needed and click "Send".
You can also do it manually: select CRUD method, copy the endpoint URL, configure inputs if needed and click "Send".
GET requests that need to send inputs can be either use query or params.
You can found a good thread explaining the difference here
In endpoints which "using query" is mentioned you have to introduce the value you want to input into Postman's params tab, in VALUE column.
- In endpoints which "using params" is mentioned you just have to introduce the input value at the end of the endpoint.
- As Json Web Token authentication has been used, there are some requests that need a token to be present in header to authenticate that the user has been logged in. If you try to send this request without being login first, the request will not take place and a "Denied access" message will be shown:
To execute this type of requests you need to:
1. Request login with a valid user and password registered in DB
2. Copy the token responsed by Postman excluding the ""
3. In the request which needs authetication, go to "Authorization", click in "Type" tab
and select "Bearer Token" option.
4. Paste the token in the field.
5. Send request
- NOTE: In this type of endopoints "auth is required" will be mentioned.
- There is another type of request in which you need to be logged with an "admin" role user profile for being executed.
- For that requests you only need to insert in the body a valid admin user ID in its corresponding body field.
- The user must be present in the database. You can create admin profiles just changing the "rol" value to "admin" when register a new user.
- NOTE: In this type of endopoints "admin is required" will be mentioned.
- Many of "Films" request aim to TMDB API endpoints.
- Some of them do not interact with the project's database and only print data by Postman.
- Others like "FILMS: clone 500 films..." make a copy of a small TMDB database part into project's local database.
- NOTE: in this type of endpoints will be mentioned that the data comes from TMDB. Any other request in which it isn't mentioned TMDB, will be understood that we are talking about operations with local database.
- As sequelize ORM is installed, seeders with dummy data can be added to the project's database.
For adding the seeders: 1. In terminal, introduce "sequelize db:seed:all" for adding seeders to Film and User tables. If you want to add seeders only to one model type: sequelize db:seed ../seeders/<<name of the seeder's model file>>
For each sensible data that need to be saved in the database enviromente variables and "bcrypt" package have been used for this purpose.
GET Get all users
POST Write raw json text and print it by Postman
POST Register new user
POST User login
GET Get user profile by email using params (auth required)
GET Get user profile by nickname using params (auth required)
DELETE Delete all users (admin required)
DELETE Delete user by ID using params (auth required)
PUT Modify user profile by ID using params (auth required)
PUT Change user password (auth required)
GET Search user profile by text using params
Show results in which there are coincidences with any field except "password" ones.
GET Clone 500 random films from TMDB
POST Register new film
DELETE Delete all films
GET Search in TMDB by title using query
GET Get first 5 pages of top rated films from TMDB
GET Get total amount of registered films
GET Search film by term using query
Show results in which there are coincidences with "title" or "synopsis" field
GET Get TMDB film by ID using params
POST Create order (admin required)
POST Create order using query
Same that first one but inputting fields by URL query arguments
GET Report by user name using params
Create a report with all orders owned by a user relating other user and film fields.
GET Full report
Create a full report of all orders relating user, orders and film fields and sort them by outDate descendent.
DELETE Delete Order by ID using params
Thanks to mockaroo website for providing such an excellent service for generating seeders.
Thanks to GeeksHubs Academy for the training received (
Thanks to everyone who spends time spreading their knowledge in Stack Overflow.
Created by Javier Monleón López (