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This is my new and first app built with Ruby on Rails. Following the Udemy course of Learn Rails And Ruby Programming

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


  1. Embedded Ruby Links

        eg: <%= link_to "About Me", home_about_path %>
        #where home_about = prefix gave after you run the command "rails routes (for newer versions) or rake routes (for version below 6.0)
  2. Partials (Imports)

        #partials should start with "underscore" eg: _navbar.html.erb
  3. Added CSS Framework | Bootstrap 5

  4. Added new gem - devise

    • refer to the link for the installation:
    • Note: you should generate the views (rails generate devise:views) to customize the design or some info on the authentications.
  5. Getting current URL by prefix (can't be done) - as other way around I tried adding application helper functions and use the exact url path

# app/helpers/application_helper.rb

    #added new function/method
    def page_without_navbar 
        routes = ['/users/sign_in', '/users/sign_up']
        return !(routes.include?request.path)
  1. Added new custom css file for some additional customization.
    #1 Add the custom.scss or custom.css file inside the assets/stylesheets/ folder
    #2 add the code below inside the config/initializers/assets.rb file.
    Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( custom.css )
  1. Errors Encountered and Fixes

    • ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: RuntimeError: UNIQUE constraint failed:
      • to fix the issue, remove the or comment out the data from test/fixtures/users.yml which trigger the error since it doesn't provide any valid data which is used for the testing.
          #one: {}
          # column: value
          #two: {}
          # column: value
  2. Added Dynamic Elements depending on the current route looking for specific substring.

        # Way 1 - use the request.path and include helper function/method to check if the current route contains the specific substring.
        # Way 2 - You can use the current_page helper where you supply the specific controller and method used.
        # For some instances, this code below doesn't work with conditional if false.
        current_page?(controller: 'suppliers', action: 'edit')
        # Way 3 - since there are other pages for suppliers for example like new, edit and show. the link does not get highlighted so you can use
        # the controller_name so that all actions or pages under that controller will highlight the side bar
        controller_name === 'suppliers'
  3. Diving deep to the Active Record Associate or creation of relationship between models/tables.

        # a "supplier" belongs to a user who created him/her. instead of user_id we created created_by field.
        # you can use the "created_by_user" to access the data from user model.
        belongs_to :created_by_user, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: 'created_by', optional: true
        # sample usage:
        #[email protected]
  4. Update the error message throw per field.

    # on  models/supplier.rb
    # name is the field to modify the error message whenever triggered.
    validates :name, presence: { message: 'Supplier name is required.' }
    # Change error.full_message to error.message
    <%= form_with(model: supplier) do |form| %>
        <% if supplier.errors.any? %>
            <div class="mt-5">
                <% supplier.errors.each do |error| %>
                    <div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade show font-monospace text-start" role="alert">
                        #from <%= error.full_message %> 
                        <%= error.message %>
                        <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button>
                <% end %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
  5. Use rails command line. Some of the useful command.

        Model.column_names # shows the column names
        Model.all # shows all the data
  6. Fully recreate the schema

        # 1. Drop the database
        rails db:drop
        # 2. Recreate it
        rails db:create
        # 3. Migrate the tablesS
        rails db:migrate
        #Note: This is only applicable for a development who still starting and use's dummy data. Doing this will wipe all the data on the existing database.
  7. When ddding new column to an existing table make sure to add the new field on the permitted fields on the controller.

    # eg. controllers/suppliers_controller.rb
    # added the new fields such as :email, :point_person, :contact_number
    def supplier_params
      params.require(:supplier).permit(:name, :email, :point_person, :contact_number, :created_by)
  8. For select tag form. You can use the select_tag

    # Make sure to return the all suppliers.
    <div class="form-floating mb-3">
        <%= select_tag "supplier", options_from_collection_for_select(@suppliers, "id","name"),class: "form-control" %>
        <%= form.label :supplier, for: "floatingInput", class: "font-monospace" %>

    # Note: Make sure to use the code below to include the select_tag form into the same object.

    <%= select_tag "#{:project}[#{:supplier_id}]", options_from_collection_for_select(@suppliers, "id","name"),class: "form-control" %>
  1. Currency format method helper
    # by default it uses the dollar sign as money sign.
    number_to_currency(fund.amount, :unit=>"₱")
  1. Date Helper.
    • Create a specific DateHelper for formatting and etc.
    # 1. Create new file app/helper/date_helper.rb
    # 2. Name it as DateHelper (depends on what you desire) module
        module DateHelper
            # methods
    # 3. Create a method inside it, like the method below:
        def format_date(date)
            date.strftime("%B %-d, %Y")
    # 4. Include inside the app/controllers/application_controller.rb
        include DateHelper
    # 5. You can now use it inside the view. 
        #Output: January 12, 2024

    #Note: You can format the date depends on what you desire.


#1 After generating a scaffold double check the migrations if you still have some other columns that is needed to be add. If everything is fine then run the command below to migrate it (it will throw error if not yet migrated.)

rails db:migrate

#2 For admin panels (if it's must be on the side bar then add the designated link for the said model.)

#3 Update the view pages for the generated model.

#4 If there's a association/relationship between models then update it now. 

#5 Add navigation guards. To prevent other user accessing the page if not authenticated. If you have roles you can also include it.


This is my new and first app built with Ruby on Rails. Following the Udemy course of Learn Rails And Ruby Programming






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