feat: add runtime hooks for API request and response handling #389
4 errors
Run pnpm run test:
FetchError: [GET] "$testApi": 500 Internal Server Error
❯ $fetchRaw2 node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/ofetch/dist/shared/ofetch.03887fc3.mjs:311:14
❯ $fetch2 node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/ofetch/dist/shared/ofetch.03887fc3.mjs:316:15
❯ test/e2e.test.ts:13:18
Serialized Error: { request: '$testApi', options: { headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', append: 'Function<append>', delete: 'Function<delete>', get: 'Function<get>', has: 'Function<has>', set: 'Function<set>', getSetCookie: 'Function<getSetCookie>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<entries>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>' }, retry: +0 }, response: { _data: { url: '/$testApi', statusCode: 500, statusMessage: '', message: 'hook is not a function', stack: '' }, constructor: 'Function<Response>', type: 'basic', url: '$testApi', redirected: false, status: 500, ok: false, statusText: 'Internal Server Error', headers: { constructor: 'Function<Headers>', append: 'Function<append>', delete: 'Function<delete>', get: 'Function<get>', has: 'Function<has>', set: 'Function<set>', getSetCookie: 'Function<getSetCookie>', keys: 'Function<keys>', values: 'Function<values>', entries: 'Function<entries>', forEach: 'Function<forEach>' }, body: { constructor: 'Function<ReadableStream>', locked: true, cancel: 'Function<cancel>', getReader: 'Function<getReader>', pipeThrough: 'Function<pipeThrough>', pipeTo: 'Function<pipeTo>', tee: 'Function<tee>', values: 'Function<values>' }, bodyUsed: true, clone: 'Function<clone>', blob: 'Function<blob>', arrayBuffer: 'Function<arrayBuffer>', text: 'Function<text>', json: 'Function<json>', formData: 'Function<formData>', bytes: 'Function<bytes>' }, data: { url: '/$testApi', statusCode: 500, statusMessage: '', message: 'hook is not a function', stack: '' }, status: 500, statusCode: 500, statusText: 'Internal Server Error', statusMessage: 'Internal Server Error' }
Run pnpm run test:
Error: Snapshot `nuxt-api-party > throws error for invalid response with $testApi 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
- {
- "data": {
- "reason": "anything",
- },
- "message": "Not Found",
- "stack": "",
- "statusCode": 404,
- "statusMessage": "Not Found",
- "url": "/api/foo/bar",
- }
+ undefined
❯ test/e2e.test.ts:19:33
Run pnpm run test:
Error: Snapshot `nuxt-api-party > fetches data with useTestApiData 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
- [
- {
- "completed": false,
- "id": 1,
- "isTransformed": true,
- "title": "delectus aut autem",
- "userId": 1,
- },
- {
- "completed": false,
- "id": 2,
- "isTransformed": true,
- "title": "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui",
- "userId": 1,
- },
- {
- "completed": false,
- "id": 3,
- "isTransformed": true,
- "title": "fugiat veniam minus",
- "userId": 1,
- },
- ]
+ null
❯ test/e2e.test.ts:24:33
Run pnpm run test
Process completed with exit code 1.