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New Crowdin updates (outline#2400)
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outline-translations authored Aug 4, 2021
1 parent 5fb5f1e commit dad21b2
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Showing 3 changed files with 140 additions and 140 deletions.
96 changes: 48 additions & 48 deletions shared/i18n/locales/de_DE/translation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
"only you": "Nur Du",
"person": "Person",
"people": "Personen",
"{{ total }} task": "{{ total }} task",
"{{ total }} task_plural": "{{ total }} tasks",
"{{ completed }} task done": "{{ completed }} task done",
"{{ completed }} task done_plural": "{{ completed }} tasks done",
"{{ completed }} of {{ total }} tasks": "{{ completed }} of {{ total }} tasks",
"{{ total }} task": "{{ total }} Aufgabe",
"{{ total }} task_plural": "{{ total }} Aufgaben",
"{{ completed }} task done": "{{ completed }} Aufgabe erledigt",
"{{ completed }} task done_plural": "{{ completed }} Aufgaben erledigt",
"{{ completed }} of {{ total }} tasks": "{{ completed }} von {{ total }} Aufgaben",
"Currently editing": "Derzeit in Bearbeitung",
"Currently viewing": "Gerade angezeigt",
"Viewed {{ timeAgo }} ago": "Angesehen vor {{ timeAgo }}",
Expand All @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"Align left": "Links ausrichten",
"Align right": "Rechts ausrichten",
"Bulleted list": "Punkteliste",
"Todo list": "Task list",
"Todo list": "Aufgabenliste",
"Code block": "Codeblock",
"Copied to clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"Code": "Code",
Expand All @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"Divider": "Trennlinie",
"Image": "Bild",
"Sorry, an error occurred uploading the image": "Beim Hochladen des Bildes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
"Write a caption": "Write a caption",
"Write a caption": "Untertitel schreiben",
"Info": "Info",
"Info notice": "Info-Hinweis",
"Link": "Link",
Expand All @@ -101,20 +101,20 @@
"Tip notice": "Tipp Hinweis",
"Warning": "Warnung",
"Warning notice": "Warnhinweis",
"Module failed to load": "Module failed to load",
"Loading Failed": "Loading Failed",
"Sorry, part of the application failed to load. This may be because it was updated since you opened the tab or because of a failed network request. Please try reloading.": "Sorry, part of the application failed to load. This may be because it was updated since you opened the tab or because of a failed network request. Please try reloading.",
"Reload": "Reload",
"Something Unexpected Happened": "Something Unexpected Happened",
"Sorry, an unrecoverable error occurred{{notified}}. Please try reloading the page, it may have been a temporary glitch.": "Sorry, an unrecoverable error occurred{{notified}}. Please try reloading the page, it may have been a temporary glitch.",
"our engineers have been notified": "our engineers have been notified",
"Report a Bug": "Report a Bug",
"Show Detail": "Show Detail",
"Module failed to load": "Modul konnte nicht geladen werden",
"Loading Failed": "Laden fehlgeschlagen",
"Sorry, part of the application failed to load. This may be because it was updated since you opened the tab or because of a failed network request. Please try reloading.": "Leider konnte ein Teil der Software nicht geladen werden weil der Inhalt sich inzwischen geändert hat oder eine Abfrage nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden konnte. Bitte neu laden.",
"Reload": "Neu Laden",
"Something Unexpected Happened": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten",
"Sorry, an unrecoverable error occurred{{notified}}. Please try reloading the page, it may have been a temporary glitch.": "Entschuldigung, ein nicht behebbarer Fehler ist aufgetreten{{notified}}. Bitte versuchen Sie die Seite neu zu laden, es könnte inzwischen wieder funktionieren.",
"our engineers have been notified": "unsere Entwickler wurden benachrichtigt",
"Report a Bug": "Fehler melden",
"Show Detail": "Details anzeigen",
"Icon": "Icon",
"Show menu": "Menü anzeigen",
"Choose icon": "Icon auswählen",
"Loading": "Laden",
"Loading editor": "Loading editor",
"Loading editor": "Editor wird geladen",
"Search": "Suche",
"Default access": "Standardzugriff",
"View and edit": "Anzeigen und bearbeiten",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,13 +198,13 @@
"Create template": "Vorlage erstellen",
"Duplicate": "Duplizieren",
"Unpublish": "Nicht veröffentlichen",
"Permanently delete": "Permanently delete",
"Permanently delete": "Unwiderruflich löschen",
"Move": "Verschieben",
"History": "Verlauf",
"Download": "Herunterladen",
"Print": "Drucken",
"Move {{ documentName }}": "Verschiebe {{ documentName }}",
"Permanently delete {{ documentName }}": "Permanently delete {{ documentName }}",
"Permanently delete {{ documentName }}": "{{ documentName }} endgültig löschen",
"Edit group": "Gruppe bearbeiten",
"Delete group": "Gruppe löschen",
"Group options": "Gruppen-Einstellungen",
Expand All @@ -222,8 +222,8 @@
"Share options": "Teilen-Einstellungen",
"Go to document": "Zum Dokument gehen",
"Revoke link": "Link widerrufen",
"Contents": "Contents",
"Headings you add to the document will appear here": "Headings you add to the document will appear here",
"Contents": "Inhalte",
"Headings you add to the document will appear here": "Überschriften, die Sie dem Dokument hinzufügen, werden hier angezeigt",
"Table of contents": "Inhaltsverzeichnis",
"By {{ author }}": "Von {{ author }}",
"Are you sure you want to make {{ userName }} an admin? Admins can modify team and billing information.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {{ userName }} zu einem Administrator machen möchten? Administratoren können Team- und Rechnungsinformationen ändern.",
Expand All @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"Revoke invite": "Einladung widerrufen",
"Activate account": "Konto aktivieren",
"Suspend account": "Konto sperren",
"API token created": "API token created",
"Name your token something that will help you to remember it's use in the future, for example \"local development\", \"production\", or \"continuous integration\".": "Name your token something that will help you to remember it's use in the future, for example \"local development\", \"production\", or \"continuous integration\".",
"API token created": "API-Token erstellt",
"Name your token something that will help you to remember it's use in the future, for example \"local development\", \"production\", or \"continuous integration\".": "Nennen Sie Ihren Token so, dass Sie sich leicht daran erinnern können, z. B. \"development\" \"production\" oder \"continuous integration\".",
"Documents": "Dokumente",
"The document archive is empty at the moment.": "Das Dokumentenarchiv ist momentan leer.",
"Search in collection": "Suche in Sammlung",
Expand All @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
"Least recently updated": "Am längsten nicht aktualisiert",
"A–Z": "A - Z",
"Drop documents to import": "Dokumente zum Importieren hier ablegen",
"Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{collectionName}}</em> collection is permanent and cannot be restored, however documents within will be moved to the trash.": "Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{collectionName}}</em> collection is permanent and cannot be restored, however documents within will be moved to the trash.",
"Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{collectionName}}</em> collection is permanent and cannot be restored, however documents within will be moved to the trash.": "Sind Sie sich sicher? Löschung der <em>{{collectionName}}</em> Sammlung ist dauerhaft und nicht wiederrufbar. Die Dokumente selbst werden jedoch dem Papierkorb hinzugefügt.",
"Deleting": "Wird gelöscht",
"I’m sure – Delete": "Ich bin mir sicher – Löschen",
"The collection was updated": "Die Sammlung wurde aktualisiert",
Expand All @@ -266,9 +266,9 @@
"Public sharing is currently disabled in the team security settings.": "Öffentliches Teilen ist derzeit in den Sicherheitseinstellungen des Teams deaktiviert.",
"Saving": "Speichert",
"Save": "Speichern",
"Exporting the collection <em>{{collectionName}}</em> may take a few seconds. Your documents will be downloaded as a zip of folders with files in Markdown format.": "Exporting the collection <em>{{collectionName}}</em> may take a few seconds. Your documents will be downloaded as a zip of folders with files in Markdown format.",
"Exporting": "Exporting",
"Export Collection": "Export Collection",
"Exporting the collection <em>{{collectionName}}</em> may take a few seconds. Your documents will be downloaded as a zip of folders with files in Markdown format.": "Der Export der Sammlung <em>{{collectionName}}</em> kann einige Sekunden dauern. Ihre Dokumente werden als ZIP-Datei mit Markdown Textdateien heruntergeladen.",
"Exporting": "Wird exportiert",
"Export Collection": "Sammlung exportieren",
"Collections are for grouping your documents. They work best when organized around a topic or internal team — Product or Engineering for example.": "Sammlungen dienen zur Gruppierung von Dokumenten. Sie funktionieren am besten, wenn sie nach einem Thema oder nach internen Teams organisiert sind — z. B. Produkt oder Entwicklung.",
"This is the default level of access given to team members, you can give specific users or groups more access once the collection is created.": "Dies ist die Standardstufe des Zugriffs für Teammitglieder. Du kannst bestimmten Nutzern oder Gruppen mehr Zugriff geben, sobald die Sammlung erstellt wurde.",
"Creating": "Wird erstellt",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,17 +311,17 @@
"Add specific access for individual groups and team members": "Speziellen Zugriff für einzelne Gruppen und Teammitglieder hinzufügen",
"Add groups to {{ collectionName }}": "Gruppen zu {{ collectionName }} hinzufügen",
"Add people to {{ collectionName }}": "Personen zu {{ collectionName }} hinzufügen",
"Document updated by {{userName}}": "Document updated by {{userName}}",
"You have unsaved changes.\nAre you sure you want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes.\nAre you sure you want to discard them?",
"Images are still uploading.\nAre you sure you want to discard them?": "Images are still uploading.\nAre you sure you want to discard them?",
"You’re editing a template. Highlight some text and use the <2></2> control to add placeholders that can be filled out when creating new documents from this template.": "You’re editing a template. Highlight some text and use the <2></2> control to add placeholders that can be filled out when creating new documents from this template.",
"Archived by {{userName}}": "Archived by {{userName}}",
"Deleted by {{userName}}": "Deleted by {{userName}}",
"This template will be permanently deleted in <2></2> unless restored.": "This template will be permanently deleted in <2></2> unless restored.",
"This document will be permanently deleted in <2></2> unless restored.": "This document will be permanently deleted in <2></2> unless restored.",
"Start your template…": "Start your template",
"Start with a title…": "Start with a title",
"…the rest is up to you": "the rest is up to you",
"Document updated by {{userName}}": "Dokument aktualisiert durch {{userName}}",
"You have unsaved changes.\nAre you sure you want to discard them?": "Sie haben ungespeicherte Änderungen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie abbrechen wollen?",
"Images are still uploading.\nAre you sure you want to discard them?": "Bilder werden noch hochgeladen.\nMöchten Sie sie wirklich verwerfen?",
"You’re editing a template. Highlight some text and use the <2></2> control to add placeholders that can be filled out when creating new documents from this template.": "Sie bearbeiten eine Vorlage. Markieren Sie eine Textstelle und verwenden Sie die <2></2> -control, um Platzhalter hinzuzufügen, die beim Erstellen neuer Dokumente aus dieser Vorlage ausgefüllt werden können.",
"Archived by {{userName}}": "Archiviert durch {{userName}}",
"Deleted by {{userName}}": "Gelöscht von {{userName}}",
"This template will be permanently deleted in <2></2> unless restored.": "Diese Vorlage wird dauerhaft in <2></2> gelöscht, wenn sie nicht wiederhergestellt wird.",
"This document will be permanently deleted in <2></2> unless restored.": "Dieses Dokument wird dauerhaft in <2></2> gelöscht, wenn es nicht wiederhergestellt wird.",
"Start your template…": "Vorlage starten",
"Start with a title…": "Mit dem Titel beginnen",
"…the rest is up to you": "der Rest liegt bei Ihnen",
"Hide contents": "Inhalt ausblenden",
"Show contents": "Inhalt anzeigen",
"Edit {{noun}}": "{{noun}} bearbeiten",
Expand All @@ -347,15 +347,15 @@
"Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> document will delete all of its history and any nested documents.": "Bist du dir sicher? Durch Löschen des Dokuments <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em>, werden der gesamte Verlauf und alle Unterdokumente gelöscht.",
"If you’d like the option of referencing or restoring the {{noun}} in the future, consider archiving it instead.": "Wenn du {{noun}} in Zukunft noch referenzieren oder wiederherstellen möchtest, solltest du es stattdessen archivieren.",
"Archiving": "Wird archiviert",
"Document moved": "Document moved",
"Current location": "Current location",
"Choose a new location": "Choose a new location",
"Search collections & documents": "Search collections & documents",
"Document moved": "Dokument verschoben",
"Current location": "Aktueller Speicherort",
"Choose a new location": "Wähle neuen Speicherort",
"Search collections & documents": "Sammlungen und Dokumente durchsuchen",
"Couldn’t create the document, try again?": "Dokument konnte nicht erstellt werden. Erneut versuchen?",
"Document permanently deleted": "Document permanently deleted",
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> document? This action is immediate and cannot be undone.": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> document? This action is immediate and cannot be undone.",
"Template created, go ahead and customize it": "Template created, go ahead and customize it",
"Creating a template from <em>{{titleWithDefault}}</em> is a non-destructive action – we'll make a copy of the document and turn it into a template that can be used as a starting point for new documents.": "Creating a template from <em>{{titleWithDefault}}</em> is a non-destructive actionwe'll make a copy of the document and turn it into a template that can be used as a starting point for new documents.",
"Document permanently deleted": "Dokument endgültig gelöscht",
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> document? This action is immediate and cannot be undone.": "Möchten Sie das Dokument <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> dauerhaft löschen? Die Löschung erfolgt sofort und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"Template created, go ahead and customize it": "Vorlage erstellt, fortfahren und anpassen",
"Creating a template from <em>{{titleWithDefault}}</em> is a non-destructive action – we'll make a copy of the document and turn it into a template that can be used as a starting point for new documents.": "Das Erstellen einer Vorlage durch <em>{{titleWithDefault}}</em> ist eine non-destruktive Aktionwir erstellen eine Kopie des Dokuments und verwandeln es in eine Vorlage, die als Ausgangspunkt für neue Dokumente verwendet werden kann.",
"Search documents": "Dokumente durchsuchen",
"No documents found for your filters.": "Keine Dokumente anhand Ihre Filter gefunden.",
"You’ve not got any drafts at the moment.": "Sie haben im Moment keine Entwürfe.",
Expand All @@ -365,8 +365,8 @@
"We were unable to load the document while offline.": "Wir konnten das Dokument nicht offline laden.",
"Your account has been suspended": "Ihr Konto wurde gesperrt",
"A team admin (<em>{{ suspendedContactEmail }}</em>) has suspended your account. To re-activate your account, please reach out to them directly.": "Ein Administrator (<em>{{ suspendedContactEmail }}</em>) hat dein Konto gesperrt. Um dein Konto zu reaktivieren, wende dich bitte direkt an diesen.",
"Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{groupName}}</em> group will cause its members to lose access to collections and documents that it is associated with.": "Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{groupName}}</em> group will cause its members to lose access to collections and documents that it is associated with.",
"You can edit the name of this group at any time, however doing so too often might confuse your team mates.": "You can edit the name of this group at any time, however doing so too often might confuse your team mates.",
"Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{groupName}}</em> group will cause its members to lose access to collections and documents that it is associated with.": "Sind Sie sicher? Durch das Löschen der <em>{{groupName}}</em> verlieren Ihre Teammitglieder den Zugriff auf Sammlungen und Dokumente die mit der Gruppe verknüpft waren.",
"You can edit the name of this group at any time, however doing so too often might confuse your team mates.": "Sie können den Namen dieser Gruppe jederzeit ändern. Dies kann jedoch Ihre Teammitglieder verwirren.",
"{{userName}} was added to the group": "{{userName}} wurde zur Gruppe hinzugefügt",
"Add team members below to give them access to the group. Need to add someone who’s not yet on the team yet?": "Fügen Sie unten Teammitglieder hinzu, um ihnen Zugriff auf die Gruppe zu gewähren. Sie müssen jemanden hinzufügen, der noch nicht im Team ist?",
"Invite them to {{teamName}}": "Personen zu {{teamName}} einladen",
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions shared/i18n/locales/nl_NL/translation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"currently editing": "momenteel aan het bewerken",
"currently viewing": "momenteen aan het bekijken",
"previously edited": "previously edited",
"previously edited": "eerder bewerkt",
"You": "Jij",
"Viewers": "Kijkers",
"Sorry, an error occurred saving the collection": "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het opslaan van de collectie",
"Add a description": "Voeg een beschrijving toe",
"Collapse": "Collapse",
"Expand": "Expand",
"Collapse": "Inklappen",
"Expand": "Uitklappen",
"Submenu": "Submenu",
"Trash": "Prullenmand",
"Archive": "Archief",
Expand Down

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