requirements node >= 12 (untested) python3 >= 3.8
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
/var/www/golf/env/bin/gunicorn views:flaskapp
runs all the different 'queues' of jobs, 'squash', 'golf', 'brs', 'int'
/var/www/golf/env/bin/rq worker recurring squash golf brs int --url=${RQ_REDIS_URL} --sentry-dsn=
in 'brs_frontend', install deps and npm run dev
all the systemd scripts necessary are in 'systemd' folder, symlink them to /etc/systemd/system then restart systemd
logs can be accessed via ./ logs
can restart services on code change via ./ restart
frontend needs to be built from brs_frontend
an nginx is needed to connect all this together