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A Django toolkit providing the batteries needed to build GitHub Apps - from webhook handling to API integration.

Built on gidgethub and httpx, django-github-app handles the boilerplate of GitHub App development. Features include webhook event routing and storage, an async-first API client with automatic authentication, and models for managing GitHub App installations, repositories, and webhook event history.

The library is async-only at the moment (following gidgethub), with sync support planned to better integrate with the majority of Django projects.


  • Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13
  • Django 4.2, 5.0, 5.1


  1. Install the package from PyPI.

    python -m pip install django-github-app
    # or if you like the new hotness
    uv add django-github-app
    uv sync
  2. Add the app to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django project's DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.

  3. Run the migrate management command to add django-github-app's models to your database.

    python migrate
    # or for those living on the bleeding edge
    uv run migrate
  4. Add django-github-app's webhook view to your Django project's urls.

    from django.urls import path
    from django_github_app.views import AsyncWebhookView
    urlpatterns = [
        path("gh/", AsyncWebhookView.as_view()),

    For the moment, django-github-app only supports an async webhook view, as this library is a wrapper around gidgethub which is async only. Sync support is planned.

  5. Setup your GitHub App, either by registering a new one or importing an existing one, and configure django-github-app using your GitHub App's information.

    You will need the following information from your GitHub App:

    • App ID
    • Client ID
    • Name
    • Private Key (either the file object or the contents)
    • Webhook Secret
    • Webhook URL

    All examples below use environs to load the values from an .env file. Adjust the code to your preferred way of loading Django settings.


All examples will use the private key contents loaded directly from environment. To use a key file instead:

import environs

env = environs.Env()


django-github-app will automatically detect if GITHUB_APP["PRIVATE_KEY"] is a path and load the file contents. For more information, see the PRIVATE_KEY section in the Configuration documentation below.

Create a New GitHub App

  1. Register a new GitHub App, following these instructions from the GitHub Docs. For a more detailed tutorial, there is also this page -- in particular the section on Setup.

    For the Private Key, you will be able to use either the file contents or the file itself to authenticate with GitHub, as described in the note above.

    For the Webhook URL, use the endpoint you configured in step 4 (e.g., <your project's base url>/gh/).

  2. Configure your Django settings by adding the following dictionary to your DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, filling in the values from the previous step.

    import environs
    env = environs.Env()
    GITHUB_APP = {
        "CLIENT_ID": env.str("GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"),
        "NAME": env.str("GITHUB_NAME"),
        "PRIVATE_KEY": env.str("GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY"),
  3. Install the GitHub App on your account.

    • Go to your GitHub App's settings
    • Click "Install App"
    • Select the account to install it on
    • Choose which repositories to give it access to

    When you install the app, django-github-app will automatically create the necessary Installation and Repository models when it receives the installation.created webhook event.

Use an Existing GitHub App and Installation

  1. Collect your existing app and installation's information.

    • All GitHub App information and credentials listed above in step 5 of Installation
      • Make sure the Webhook URL matches the endpoint configured in step 4 of Installation
    • Account type where installed (org or user)
    • Account name (username or organization name)
    • Installation ID (e.g.<ID> for an user installation)
  2. Configure your Django settings by adding the following dictionary to your DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, filling in the values from your existing GitHub App.

    import environs
    env = environs.Env()
    GITHUB_APP = {
        "CLIENT_ID": env.str("GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"),
        "NAME": env.str("GITHUB_NAME"),
        "PRIVATE_KEY": env.str("GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY"),
  3. Import your existing GitHub App by using the github import-app management command.

    python github import-app --type user --name <username> --installation-id 123456
    # or for you thrill seekers and early adopters
    uv run github import-app --type user --name <username> --installation-id 123456

Getting Started

django-github-app provides a router-based system for handling GitHub webhook events, built on top of gidgethub. The router matches incoming webhooks to your handler functions based on the event type and optional action.

To start handling GitHub webhooks, create your event handlers in a new file (e.g., within your Django app.

# your_app/
from django_github_app.routing import GitHubRouter

gh = GitHubRouter()

# Handle any issue event
async def handle_issue(event, gh, *args, **kwargs):
    issue =["issue"]
    labels = []
    # Add labels based on issue title
    title = issue["title"].lower()
    if "bug" in title:
    if "feature" in title:
    if labels:

# Handle specific issue actions
@gh.event("issues", action="opened")
async def welcome_new_issue(event, gh, *args, **kwargs):
    """Post a comment when a new issue is opened"""
    url =["issue"]["comments_url"]
    await, data={
        "body": "Thanks for opening an issue! We'll take a look soon."

In this example, we automatically label issues based on their title and post a welcome comment on newly opened issues. The router ensures each webhook is directed to the appropriate handler based on the event type and action.


Handlers must be async functions as django-github-app uses gidgethub for webhook event routing which only supports async operations. Sync support is planned to better integrate with Django projects that don't use async.

Each handler receives two arguments:

  • event: A gidgethub.sansio.Event containing the webhook payload
  • gh: A GitHub API client for making API calls

To activate your webhook handlers, import them in your app's AppConfig.ready() method, similar to how Django signals are registered.

# your_app/
from django.apps import AppConfig

class YourAppConfig(AppConfig):
    default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
    name = 'your_app'

    def ready(self):
        from . import events  # noqa: F401

For more information about GitHub webhook events and payloads, see these pages in the GitHub docs:

For more details about how gidgethub.sansio.Event and webhook routing work, see the gidgethub documentation.


GitHub API Client

The library provides AsyncGitHubAPI, an implementation of gidgethub's abstract GitHubAPI class that handles authentication and uses httpx as its HTTP client. While it's automatically provided in webhook handlers, you can also use it directly in your code.

from django_github_app.github import AsyncGitHubAPI
from django_github_app.models import Installation

# Access public endpoints without authentication
async def get_public_repo():
    async with AsyncGitHubAPI() as gh:
        return await gh.getitem("/repos/django/django")

# Interact as the GitHub App installation
async def create_comment(repo_full_name: str):
    # Get the installation for the repository
    installation = await Installation.objects.aget(repositories__full_name=repo_full_name)
    async with AsyncGitHubAPI(installation_id=installation.installation_id) as gh:
            data={"body": "Hello!"}

The client automatically handles authentication and token refresh when an installation ID is provided. The installation ID is GitHub's identifier for where your app is installed, which you can get from the installation_id field on the Installation model.


django-github-app provides models that handle the persistence and retrieval of GitHub App data. These models abstract away common patterns when working with GitHub Apps: storing webhook events, managing installation authentication, and tracking repository access.

All models and their managers provide async methods for database operations and GitHub API interactions, with sync wrappers where appropriate.


django_github_app.models.EventLog maintains a history of incoming webhook events, storing both the event type and its full payload.

It also has support for automatically cleaning up old events based on your configuration, via the acleanup_events manager method and the GITHUB_APP["DAYS_TO_KEEP_EVENTS"] setting. For more details, see the sections on AUTO_CLEANUP_EVENTS and DAYS_TO_KEEP_EVENTS in the Configuration documentation below.

The model primarily serves the webhook handling system, but you can also use it to query past events if needed.

Manager methods
  • acreate_from_event/create_from_event: Store incoming webhook events (primarily for internal use)
  • acleanup_events/cleanup_events: Remove events older than specified days
  • action: Extract action from event payload, if present


django_github_app.models.Installation represents where your GitHub App is installed. It stores the installation ID and metadata from GitHub, and provides methods for authentication.

from django_github_app.github import AsyncGitHubAPI
from django_github_app.models import Installation

# Get an installation and its access token
installation = await Installation.objects.aget(repositories__full_name="owner/repo")
async with AsyncGitHubAPI(installation_id=installation.installation_id) as gh:
    # Authenticated as this installation
    await"/repos/owner/repo/issues", data={"title": "Hello!"})
Manager methods
  • acreate_from_event/create_from_event: Create from installation events (primarily for internal use)
  • acreate_from_gh_data/create_from_gh_data: Create from GitHub API response data (primarily for internal use)
  • aget_from_event/get_from_event: Retrieve installation from webhook events (gidgethub.sansio.Event)
Model methods
  • get_gh_client: Get configured API client for this installation
  • aget_access_token/get_access_token: Generate GitHub access token for API calls
  • arefresh_from_gh/refresh_from_gh: Update an installation's data from GitHub
  • aget_repos/get_repos: Fetch installation's accessible repositories


django_github_app.models.Repository tracks repositories where your app is installed and provides high-level methods for GitHub operations.

from django_github_app.models import Repository

# Get open issues for a repository
repo = await Repository.objects.aget(full_name="owner/repo")
issues = await repo.aget_issues(params={"state": "open"})
Manager methods
  • acreate_from_gh_data/create_from_gh_data: Create from GitHub API response data (primarily for internal use)
  • aget_from_event/get_from_event: Retrieve repository from webhook events (gidgethub.sansio.Event)
Model methods
  • get_gh_client: Get configured API client for this repository
  • aget_issues/get_issues: Fetch repository's issues
  • owner: Repository owner from full name
  • repo: Repository name from full name


Configuration of django-github-app is done through a GITHUB_APP dictionary in your Django project's DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.

Here is an example configuration with the default values shown:

    "APP_ID": "",
    "CLIENT_ID": "",
    "NAME": "",
    "PRIVATE_KEY": "",

The following settings are required:

  • APP_ID
  • NAME


πŸ”΄ Required | str

The GitHub App's unique identifier. Obtained when registering your GitHub App.


Optional | bool | Default: True

Boolean flag to enable automatic cleanup of old webhook events. If enabled, EventLog instances older than DAYS_TO_KEEP_EVENTS (default: 7 days) are deleted during webhook processing.

Set to False to either retain events indefinitely or manage cleanup separately using EventLog.objects.acleanup_events with a task runner like Django-Q2 or Celery.


πŸ”΄ Required | str

The GitHub App's client ID. Obtained when registering your GitHub App.


Optional | int | Default: 7

Number of days to retain webhook events before cleanup. Used by both automatic cleanup (when AUTO_CLEANUP_EVENTS is True) and the EventLog.objects.acleanup_events manager method.


πŸ”΄ Required | str

The GitHub App's name as registered on GitHub.


πŸ”΄ Required | str

The GitHub App's private key for authentication. Can be provided as either:

  • Raw key contents (e.g., from an environment variable)
  • Path to key file (as a str or Path object)

The library will automatically detect and read the key file if a path is provided.

from pathlib import Path

from environs import Env

env = Env()

# Key contents from environment

# Path to local key file (as string)
    "PRIVATE_KEY": "/path/to/private-key.pem",

# Path to local key file (as Path object)
    "PRIVATE_KEY": Path("path/to/private-key.pem"),

# Path from environment


The private key should be kept secure and never committed to version control. Using environment variables or secure file storage is recommended.


πŸ”΄ Required | str

Secret used to verify webhook payloads from GitHub.


For detailed instructions on setting up a development environment and contributing to this project, see

For release procedures, see


django-github-app is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


A Django toolkit for GitHub Apps with batteries included






Contributors 3
