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JN Clothing

Quick E-commerce website application with commercejs, midtrans, rajaongkir

Case study

Streetwear is famous for its style that tends to be casual and non-formal so it is suitable for various events. This style trend creates a community that is loyal to certain brands and causes the price of streetwear to become very expensive, becoming a luxury item. JNB was created because we want streetwear to return to being a style that everyone can wear. With our website, users can easily buy and access quality streetwear at affordable prices. Accompanied by the pandemic period, buying and selling online has become a habit, increasing the online sales market and online advertisement.


Started with system and mockup design which lasted for about a month. At this stage the prototype is made first in the form of Figma, then interviews with users are carried out to obtain user needs on a regular basis. image image image

Then the development of the application itself is carried out in stages using the Agile and Scrum development lifecycle to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of making application features that will be delivered to the user. The development is carried out for one month along with the integration of the CommerceJS third party service for storing, the Midtrans payment system as the payment provider, and RajaOngkir to determine the shipping costs. The project is then submitted to several end-users for feasibility and other input.

The testing phase starts from the alpha release by the developer team on cross-device for one week and then the beta release testing by selected users for one week. At the testing stage to facilitate user access, we deploy the application on Heroku as a free hosting service. After testing the application, it is then deployed with its own hosting and domain.


Adnyana, I.K.W., Antara, I.G.M.Y. and Wulandari, D.A.P. (2021) ‘Pemanfaatan Application Programming Interface Midtrans dan Raja Ongkir Untuk Membangun Enterprise Application Integration’, Jutisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi, 10(1), pp. 13–22.

Dinesh, S. and MuniRaju, Y. (2021) ‘Scalability of e-commerce in the COVID-19 era’, International Journal of Research-GRANTHAALAYAH, 9(1), pp. 123–128.

Hallowell, R. (2001) ‘“Scalability”: the paradox of human resources in e‐commerce’, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 12(1), pp. 34–43.

Raj, V. and Ravichandra, S. (2018) ‘Microservices: A perfect SOA based solution for Enterprise Applications compared to Web Services’, in 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on recent trends in electronics, information & communication technology (RTEICT). IEEE, pp. 1531–1536.

Tran, D.T.P. (2016) ‘Design and Implement Scalable Robust Modern Web Application’. Xing, Y., Huang, J. and Lai, Y. (2019) ‘Research and analysis of the front-end frameworks and libraries in e-business development’, in Proceedings of the 2019 11th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, pp. 68–72.


Mini e-commerce web app using reactjs w/ typescript and commerce.js backend# Dev, FrontEnd






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