This repository contains the dotfiles from my personal Sway Nord rice.
- sway
- alacritty
- waybar
- wofi
- dunst
- zsh
- (neovim)
- sway, waybar, wofi, dunst: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- Terminal: MesloLGS NF (as recommended for the Powerlevel10k zsh theme)
wrapper script for brightnessctl
to show a percentage bar notification via dunst
. Script is bound to Fn+F6 and Fn+F5, as can be seen in the Sway config
wrapper for changing volume with pactl
, similar to changeBrightness. Bound to Fn+F2 and Fn+F3 in the sway config
The default waybar network entry regularly shows "lo (No IP)" despite my machine being connected to ethernet or wifi. The custom/network module in waybar.conf solves this problem by calling the script waybarNetworkInfo every 30 seconds.
The scripts need to be made executable and placed in /usr/local/bin to make the rice work.