This package provides unofficial Flutter bindings for MapLibre SDKs.
- maplibre-gl-js is used for web
- maplibre-native (previously named maplibre-gl) is used for android and in the future for iOS, windows, macOS and Linux
MapLibre is a permissive and open source solution for the MVT (Mapbox Vector Tile) standard. By binding to native SDKs the package accomplishes performant rendering while supporting a lot of complex functionality.
View the planet as a globe | Use custom vector styles | Pitch or rotate the map |
Use raster tiles | Add 3D building outlines | Add heatmaps |
Add polygons | Render elevation | Add lines |
Add circles | Add markers |
Visit the docs to learn how to get started with maplibre in your project: Get Started
If you want to know more about the classes and properties of the package, have a look at the API docs.
All kinds of contributions are welcome. Thanks a lot if you consider to contribute in any way! There are different ways how you can help the development:
- Use the package in your project and share feedback.
- Open bug reports in case you find any.
- If you need a specific feature, open a feature request. or post your idea as discussion.
- Enhance the package documentation.
- Sponsor this project.