An OpenFaas function to demonstrate handling of Minio webhook notifications.
This is similar to the Minio thumbnailer example.
Configuration uses environment variables defined in the OpenFaas stack file minio-thumbnail.yml
Name | Description | Example |
ENDPOINT | Minio server address | "minio-service.minio.svc.cluster.local" |
PORT | Minio server port | "9000" |
USE_SSL | Use "true" for HTTPS access | "false" |
ACCESS_KEY | Account Id | "minio" |
SECRET_KEY | Account Password | "minio123" |
THUMBNAIL_BUCKET | Where to store thumbnails | "thumbnail-images" |
Name | Description | Default |
IMAGE_WIDTH | Thumbnail width | "96" |
IMAGE_HEIGHT | Thumbnail height | "96" |
IMAGE_QUALITY | Quality for JPEG images | "100" |
IMAGE_SUFFIX | Image file name suffix | "-thumbnail" |
To preserve the aspect ratio of the original image, set either the IMAGE_WIDTH or the IMAGE_HEIGHT to 0.
The OpenFaas template is based on the standard node10-express-armhf
template modified to use Node v12 (LTS).
faas-cli up -f ./minio-thumbnail.yml --gateway=${OPENFAAS_GATEWAY}
Create buckets:
mc mb myminio/images
mc mb myminio/thumbnail-images
Define the web-hook endpoint:
mc admin config set myminio notify_webhook:1 queue_limit="0" endpoint="http://${OPENFAAS_GATEWAY}/function/thumbnail" queue_dir=""
mc admin service restart myminio
Setup a notification event for whenever a file is added to the images
mc event add myminio/images arn:minio:sqs::1:webhook --event put
Upload an image:
mc cp photo.jpeg myminio/images
Verify the thumbnail was generated and uploaded:
mc ls local/thumbnail-images
Minio notifications
Minio example
Jimp libary