Efficiently track and organize tagged markdown files.
usage: tag-tracker.py [-h] [-i [INPUT]] [-o [OUTPUT]]
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A Markdown Task Management Tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i [INPUT], --input [INPUT]
directory to search for tagged markdown files
default: current working directory
-o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
output file name for summary report
default: tag-tracker.md
- Create a hotkey on your system or favorite note editor
- Set up an alias in your shell setup file
alias task='Python3 /path/to/tag-tracker.py -i /path/to/notes'
- Download obsidian-shellcommands community plugin
- Enter new shell command
Python3 /path/tag-tracker.py -i /path/to/notes
- Go to hotkey settings and create a shortcut (e.g cmd + s)
- Monthly calendar view
- Kanban-style task board
- Recently opened files
- Python 3.x