This repository describes a file-format for mathematical optimization problems
called MathOptFormat with the file extension .mof.json
MathOptFormat is rigidly defined by the JSON schema
available at
It is intended for the schema to be self-documenting. Instead of modifying or
adding to this documentation, clarifying edits should be made to the
field of the relevant part of the schema.
A number of examples of optimization problems encoded using MathOptFormat are
provided in the /examples
A paper describing the motivation, design principles, and historical setting of MathOptFormat is available at:
Legat, B., Dowson, O., Garcia, J.D., Lubin, M. (2020). MathOptInterface: a data structure for mathematical optimization problems. [preprint] [repository]
We highly recommend you read that paper before reading further.
- The MathOptInterface.jl package supports reading and writing MathOptFormat files.
MathOptFormat is a generic file format for mathematical optimization problems encoded in the form
min/max: f₀(x)
subject to: fᵢ(x) ∈ Sᵢ i=1,2,…,I
where x ∈ ℝᴺ
, fᵢ: ℝᴺ → ℝᴹⁱ
, and Sᵢ ⊆ ℝᴹⁱ
The functions fᵢ
and sets Sᵢ
supported by MathOptFormat are defined in the
MathOptFormat schema.
The current list of supported functions and sets is not exhaustive. It is intended that MathOptFormat will be extended in future versions to support additional functions and sets.
The standard form described above is very general. To give a concrete example, consider the following linear program:
min: 2x + 1
subject to: x ≥ 1
Encoded in our standard form, we have
f₀(x) = 2x + 1
f₁(x) = x
S₁ = [1, ∞)
Encoded into the MathOptFormat file format, this example becomes:
"version": {
"major": 0,
"minor": 5
"variables": [{"name": "x"}],
"objective": {
"sense": "min",
"function": {
"type": "ScalarAffineFunction",
"terms": [
{"coefficient": 2, "variable": "x"}
"constant": 1
"constraints": [{
"name": "x >= 1",
"function": {"type": "SingleVariable", "variable": "x"},
"set": {"type": "GreaterThan", "lower": 1}
Let us now describe each part of the file format in turn. First, notice that the
file format is a valid JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file. This enables the
MathOptFormat to be both human-readable, and machine-readable. Some readers
may argue that JSON is tricky to edit as a human due to the quantity of brackets
and "boiler-plate" such as "function"
and "type"
. We do not disagree.
However, we believe that JSON strikes a fine balance between human and machine
Inside the document, the model is stored as a single JSON object. JSON objects
are key-value mappings enclosed by curly braces ({
and }
). There are four
required keys at the top level:
An object describing the minimum version of MathOptFormat needed to parse the file. This is included to safeguard against later revisions. It contains two fields:
. These fields should be interpreted using SemVer. -
A list of JSON objects, with one object for each variable in the model. Each object has a required key
which maps to a unique string for that variable. It is illegal to have two variables with the same name. These names will be used later in the file to refer to each variable. -
A JSON objects describing the objective of the model. It has one required keys:
A string which must be
, or"feasibility"
. If the sense ismin
, a second key"function"
, must be defined: -
A JSON object that describes the function. There are many different types of functions that MathOptFormat recognizes (see List of supported functions), each of which has a different structure. However, each function has a required key called
which is used to describe the type of the function. In this case, the function is"ScalarAffineFunction"
is the functionf(x) = aᵀx + b
, wherea
is a constantN×1
vector, andb
is a scalar constant. In addition to"type"
, it has two required keys:-
A list of JSON objects, containing one object for each non-zero element in
. Each object has two required keys:"coefficient"
, and"variable"
maps to a real number that is the coefficient ina
corresponding to the variable (identified by its string name) in"variable"
. -
The value of
A list of JSON objects, with one element for each constraint in the model. Each object has three required fields:
A unique string name for the constraint.
A JSON object that describes the function
associated with constraintj
. The function field is similar to the function field in"objectives"
; however, in this example, our function is a single variable function of the variable"x"
. -
A JSON object that describes the set
associated with constraintj
. In this example, the set[1, ∞)
is the MathOptFormat setGreaterThan
with a lower bound of1
. See List of supported sets for other sets supported by MathOptFormat.
The list of functions supported by MathOptFormat are contained in the
and #/definitions/vector_functions
fields of
the schema. Scalar functions are functions for which Mi=1
, while vector
functions are functions for which Mi≥1
Here is a summary of the functions defined by MathOptFormat.
Name | Description | Example |
"SingleVariable" |
The scalar variable variable . |
{"type": "SingleVariable", "variable": "x"} |
"ScalarAffineFunction" |
The function a'x + b , where a is a sparse vector specified by a list of ScalarAffineTerm s in terms and b is the scalar in constant . Duplicate variables in terms are accepted, and the corresponding coefficients are summed together. |
{"type": "ScalarAffineFunction", "constant": 1.0, "terms": [{"coefficient": 2.5, "variable": "x"}]} |
"ScalarQuadraticFunction" |
The function 0.5x'Qx + a'x + b , where a is a sparse vector of ScalarAffineTerm s in affine_terms , b is the scalar constant , and Q is a symmetric matrix specified by a list of ScalarQuadraticTerm s in quadratic_terms . Duplicate indices in affine_terms and quadratic are accepted, and the corresponding coefficients are summed together. Mirrored indices in quadratic_terms (i.e., (i,j) and (j, i) ) are considered duplicates; only one need to be specified. |
{"type": "ScalarQuadraticFunction", "constant": 1.0, "affine_terms": [{"coefficient": 2.5, "variable": "x"}], "quadratic_terms": [{"coefficient": 2.0, "variable_1": "x", "variable_2": "y"}]} |
"ScalarNonlinearFunction" |
An expression graph representing a scalar nonlinear function. |
For more information on "ScalarNonlinearFunction"
functions, see
Nonlinear functions.
Name | Description | Example |
"VectorOfVariables" |
An ordered list of variables. | {"type": "VectorOfVariables", "variables": ["x", "y"]} |
"VectorAffineFunction" |
The function Ax + b , where A is a sparse matrix specified by a list of VectorAffineTerm s in terms and b is a dense vector specified by constants . |
{"type": "VectorAffineFunction", "constants": [1.0], "terms": [{"output_index": 1, "scalar_term": {"coefficient": 2.5, "variable": "x"}}]} |
"VectorQuadraticFunction" |
The vector-valued quadratic function q(x) + Ax + b , where q(x) is specified by a list of VectorQuadraticTerm s in quadratic_terms , A is a sparse matrix specified by a list of VectorAffineTerm s in affine_terms and b is a dense vector specified by constants . |
The list of sets supported by MathOptFormat are contained in the
and #/definitions/vector_sets
fields of the
schema. Scalar sets are sets for which Mj=1
, while vector sets are sets for
which Mj≥1
Here is a summary of the sets defined by MathOptFormat.
Name | Description | Example |
"LessThan" |
(-∞, upper] | {"type": "LessThan", "upper": 2.1} |
"GreaterThan" |
[lower, ∞) | {"type": "GreaterThan", "lower": 2.1} |
"EqualTo" |
{value} | {"type": "EqualTo", "value": 2.1} |
"Interval" |
[lower, upper] | {"type": "Interval", "lower": 2.1, "upper": 3.4} |
"Semiinteger" |
{0} ∪ {lower, lower + 1, ..., upper} | {"type": "Semiinteger", "lower": 2, "upper": 4} |
"Semicontinuous" |
{0} ∪ [lower, upper] | {"type": "Semicontinuous", "lower": 2.1, "upper": 3.4} |
"ZeroOne" |
{0, 1} | {"type": "ZeroOne"} |
"Integer" |
ℤ | {"type": "Integer"} |
Name | Description | Example |
"ExponentialCone" |
[x, y, z] ∈ {R³: y * exp(x / y) ≤ z, y ≥ 0} | {"type": "ExponentialCone"} |
"DualExponentialCone" |
[u, v, w] ∈ {R³: -u * exp(v / u) ≤ exp(1) * w, u < 0} | {"type": "DualExponentialCone"} |
"SOS1" |
A special ordered set of type I. | {"type": "SOS1", "weights": [1, 3, 2]} |
"SOS2" |
A special ordered set of type II. | {"type": "SOS2", "weights": [1, 3, 2]} |
"GeometricMeanCone" |
[t, x] ∈ {R^{dimension}: t ≤ (Πxᵢ)^{1 / (dimension-1)}} | {"type": "GeometricMeanCone", "dimension": 3} |
"SecondOrderCone" |
[t, x] ∈ {R^{dimension} : t ≥ ||x||₂ | {"type": "SecondOrderCone", "dimension": 3} |
"RotatedSecondOrderCone" |
[t, u, x] ∈ {R^{dimension} : 2tu ≥ (||x||₂)²; t, u ≥ 0} | {"type": "RotatedSecondOrderCone", "dimension": 3} |
"Zeros" |
{0}^{dimension} | {"type": "Zeros", "dimension": 3} |
"Reals" |
R^{dimension} | {"type": "Reals", "dimension": 3} |
"Nonpositives" |
R₋^{dimension} | {"type": "Nonpositives", "dimension": 3} |
"Nonnegatives" |
R₊^{dimension} | {"type": "Nonnegatives", "dimension": 3} |
"RootDetConeTriangle" |
{[t, X] ∈ R^{1 + d(d+1)/2} : t ≤ det(X)^{1/d}}, where the matrix X is represented in the same symmetric packed format as in the PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle . The argument side_dimension is the side dimension of the matrix X , i.e., its number of rows or columns. |
{"type": "RootDetConeTriangle", "side_dimension": 2} |
"RootDetConeSquare" |
{[t, X] ∈ R^{1 + d^2} : t ≤ det(X)^{1/d}, X symmetric}, where the matrix X is represented in the same symmetric packed format as in the PositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare . The argument side_dimension is the side dimension of the matrix X , i.e., its number of rows or columns. |
{"type": "RootDetConeSquare", "side_dimension": 2} |
"LogDetConeTriangle" |
{[t, u, X] ∈ R^{2 + d(d+1)/2} : t ≤ u log(det(X/u)), u > 0}, where the matrix X is represented in the same symmetric packed format as in the PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle . The argument side_dimension is the side dimension of the matrix X , i.e., its number of rows or columns. |
{"type": "LogDetConeTriangle", "side_dimension": 2} |
"LogDetConeSquare" |
{[t, u, X] ∈ R^{2 + d^2} : t ≤ u log(det(X/u)), X symmetric, u > 0}, where the matrix X is represented in the same symmetric packed format as in the PositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare . The argument side_dimension is the side dimension of the matrix X , i.e., its number of rows or columns. |
{"type": "LogDetConeSquare", "side_dimension": 2} |
"PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle" |
The (vectorized) cone of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, with side_dimension rows and columns. The entries of the upper-right triangular part of the matrix are given column by column (or equivalently, the entries of the lower-left triangular part are given row by row). |
{"type": "PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle", "side_dimension": 2} |
"PositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare" |
The cone of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, with side length side_dimension . The entries of the matrix are given column by column (or equivalently, row by row). The matrix is both constrained to be symmetric and to be positive semidefinite. That is, if the functions in entries (i, j) and (j, i) are different, then a constraint will be added to make sure that the entries are equal. |
{"type": "PositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare", "side_dimension": 2} |
"PowerCone" |
[x, y, z] ∈ {R³: x^{exponent} y^{1-exponent} ≥ |z|; x, y ≥ 0} | {"type": "PowerCone", "exponent": 2.0} |
"DualPowerCone" |
[u, v, w] ∈ {R³: (u / exponent)^{exponent} (v / (1-exponent))^{1-exponent} ≥ |w|; u, v ≥ 0} | {"type": "DualPowerCone", "exponent": 2.0} |
"IndicatorSet" |
If activate_on=one : (y, x) ∈ {0,1}×Rᴺ: y = 0 ⟹ x ∈ S, otherwise when activate_on=zero : (y, x) ∈ {0,1}×Rᴺ: y = 1 ⟹ x ∈ S. |
{"type": "IndicatorSet", "set": {"type": "LessThan", "upper": 2.0}, "activate_on": "one"} |
"NormOneCone" |
(t, x) ∈ {R^{dimension}: t ≥ Σᵢ|xᵢ|} | {"type": "NormOneCone", "dimension": 2} |
"NormInfinityCone" |
(t, x) ∈ {R^{dimension}: t ≥ maxᵢ|xᵢ|} | {"type": "NormInfinityCone", "dimension": 2} |
"RelativeEntropyCone" |
(u, v, w) ∈ {R^{dimension}: u ≥ sumᵢ wᵢlog(wᵢ/vᵢ), vᵢ ≥ 0, wᵢ ≥ 0} | {"type": "RelativeEntropyCone", "dimension": 3} |
"NormSpectralCone" |
(t, X) ∈ {R^{1+row_dim×column_dim}: t ≥ σ₁(X)} | {"type": "NormSpectralCone", "row_dim": 1, "column_dim": 2} |
"NormNuclearCone" |
(t, X) ∈ {R^{1+row_dim×column_dim}: t ≥ σ₁(X)} | {"type": "NormNuclearCone", "row_dim": 1, "column_dim": 2} |
Nonlinear functions are encoded in MathOptFormat by an expression graph. Each
expression graphs is stored in Polish prefix notation. For example, the
nonlinear expression sin²(x)
is expressed as ^(sin(x), 2)
The expression graph is stored as an object with three required fields:
, which must be "ScalarNonlinearFunction"
, as well as "root"
contains an object defining the root node of the expression graph. All
other nodes are stored as a flattened list in the "node_list"
field. We
elaborate on permissible nodes and how to store them in the following
Leaf nodes in the expression graph are data: they can either reference optimization variables, or be real or complex valued numeric constants. They are described as follows.
Head | Description | Example |
"real" |
A real-valued numeric constant | {"type": "real", "value": 1.0} |
"complex" |
A complex-valued numeric constant | {"type": "complex", "real": 1.0, "imag": 2.0} |
"variable" |
A reference to an optimization variable | {"type": "variable", "name": "x"} |
Nodes in the flattened list "node_list"
can be referenced by an object with
the "type"
field "node"
and a field "index"
that is the one-based index of
the node in "node_list"
Head | Description | Example |
"node" |
A pointer to a (1-indexed) element in the node_list field in a nonlinear function |
{"type": "node", "index": 2} |
All nonlinear operators in MathOptFormat are described by a JSON object with two fields:
A string that corresponds to the operator.
An ordered list of nodes that are passed as arguments to the operator.
The number of elements in "args"
depends on the arity of the operator. MathOptFormat distinguishes between three arities:
- Unary operators take one argument
- Binary operators take two arguments
- N-ary operators take at least one argument
To give some examples, the unary function log(x)
is encoded as:
"type": "log",
"args": [
{"type": "variable", "name": "x"}
The binary function x^2
(i.e., ^(x, 2)
) is encoded as:
"type": "^",
"args": [
{"type": "variable", "name": "x"},
{"type": "real", "value": 2}
The n-ary function x + y + 1
(i.e., +(x, y, 1)
) is encoded as:
"type": "+",
"args": [
{"type": "variable", "name": "x"},
{"type": "variable", "name": "y"},
{"type": "real", "value": 1}
Here is a complete list of the nonlinear operators supported by MathOptFormat and their corresponding arity.
Name | Arity |
"log" |
Unary |
"log10" |
Unary |
"exp" |
Unary |
"sqrt" |
Unary |
"floor" |
Unary |
"ceil" |
Unary |
"abs" |
Unary |
"cos" |
Unary |
"sin" |
Unary |
"tan" |
Unary |
"acos" |
Unary |
"asin" |
Unary |
"atan" |
Unary |
"cosh" |
Unary |
"sinh" |
Unary |
"tanh" |
Unary |
"acosh" |
Unary |
"asinh" |
Unary |
"atanh" |
Unary |
"/" |
Binary |
"^" |
Binary |
"+" |
N-ary |
"-" |
N-ary |
"*" |
N-ary |
"min" |
N-ary |
"max" |
N-ary |
As an example, consider the function f(x, y) = (1 + 3i) * x + sin^2(x) + y
In Polish notation, the expression graph is:
f(x, y) = +(*(1 + 3i, x), ^(sin(x), 2), y)
In MathOptFormat, this expression graph can be encoded as follows:
"type": "ScalarNonlinearFunction",
"root": {
"type": "+",
"args": [
{"type": "node", "index": 1},
{"type": "node", "index": 3},
{"type": "variable", "name": "y"}
"node_list": [
"type": "*",
"args": [
{"type": "complex", "real": 1, "imag": 3},
{"type": "variable", "name": "x"}
}, {
"type": "sin",
"args": [
{"type": "variable", "name": "x"}
}, {
"type": "^",
"args": [
{"type": "node", "index": 2},
{"type": "real", "value": 2}