Small cli helper for adding/updating work logs in Jira / Tempo. Based on urfave/cli, charmbracelet/huh and rivo/tview
Argument-less call will try to detect jira issue from git branch name. If detected it will automatically
perform gojira log ISSUE
, otherwise will display issues from gojira issues
gojira issues
Displays last 5 jira issues that were recently updated and are assigned to you. Select one to update worklog with additional time spent.
gojira worklogs
Displays today's work logs - select one to edit existing work log.
gojira log ISSUE [TIME_SPENT]
Adds or updates existing ISSUE
work log with given TIME_SPENT
is not provided you will be prompted
for it.
could be straight Issue Key likeTICKET-999
, jira url like
or any other string containing single issue key. Uppercase is important!TIME_SPENT
accepts jira format like1h30m / 2h 20m
Check releases page
or clone repository and run make install
needs a couple of env variables right now that you have to configure:
- Export below values in your .bashrc / .zshrc / .profile file:
export GOJIRA_JIRA_LOGIN="[email protected]"
export GOJIRA_JIRA_TOKEN="generate at"
export GOJIRA_TEMPO_TOKEN="generate at https://<INSTANCE>!/configuration/api-integration"
- Now we need to fetch one last env variable using previously saved values:
- fetch it using this curl:
curl --request GET \
--url "$GOJIRA_JIRA_INSTANCE_URL/rest/api/3/user/bulk/migration?username=$GOJIRA_JIRA_LOGIN" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n $GOJIRA_JIRA_LOGIN:$GOJIRA_JIRA_TOKEN | base64)"
If you receive unknown
as accountId
, just get it from your jira profile url instead:
Just remember to urldecode it. Save it and you should ready to go!
- Color legend for calendar
- Fetch holidays for other years than current
- Refactor ShowError focus return
- Open issue in modal if it's the only result?
- Prompt
are you sure want to exit
on escape key - Enter key should save worklog if it's focused
- Add shortcut hints to the bottom of the screen or along sections
- delete worklog through simple cli version for today
- ticket status change prompt after logging time
- tests
- godtools cli semantics update
gojira log -i TICKET
->gojira log -i TICKET
gojira log -i TICKET -t 1h30m
->gojira recent
->gojira --help
for jumping between months instead of days - trigger ui updates after worklog change more efficiently
- unify workLogs and worklogsIssues structs - use one for both
- Reduce jira/tempo spaghetti and unnecessary structs and functions
- cli version does not update worklogs if they exist already
- fetch worklogs from current day and propose them for selection
- Add worklogs from ui
- gojira worklog delete option
- recent jira task list for easy time logging
- delete worklogs
- error handling
- call for worklogs for whole
weekmonth instead of day - show calendar with colorized dates
- fix colors git
- show by colors if worklog is incomplete/full/overhours for date-
- accept full jira url in
gojira log
and scrap issue key from it - prompt validation
- while logging time check if worklog exists - if yes, append logged time (config.UpdateExistingWorkLog)
- cli help arguments & better handling
- more details on worklog list - goroutine details fetching?
- interactive edit worklog prompt
- detect git branch name (jira ticket)
- display todays logged working hours
- NewWorklog view - add input for date and date period optionally
- Remove app.ui.flex from the picture
- Hour summary to present day without counting worklogs from the future
- While deleting freshly set worklog, fetch it's data from jira to delete it properly - currently there is:
The worklog has either been deleted or you no longer have permission to view it