The sample models formation of V-shaped flocks by big birds, such as geese and cranes. The algorithms of such flocking are borrowed from the paper "V-like formations in flocks of artificial birds" from Artificial Life, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2008. The sample has CPU- and GPU-based implementations. Press 'g' to toggle between them. The GPU-based simulation works many times faster than the CPU-based one. The printout in the console window reports the simulation time per step. Press 'r' to reset the initial distribution of birds.
Graphics Interop, Data Parallel Algorithms, Physically-Based Simulation, Performance Strategies
SM 3.5 SM 3.7 SM 5.0 SM 5.2 SM 5.3 SM 6.0 SM 6.1 SM 7.0 SM 7.2 SM 7.5 SM 8.0 SM 8.6 SM 8.7 SM 9.0
cudaGraphicsUnmapResources, cudaMemcpy, cudaFree, cudaGetErrorString, cudaGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags, cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer, cudaGetLastError, cudaGraphicsMapResources, cudaEventSynchronize, cudaGetDeviceProperties, cudaDeviceSynchronize, cudaEventRecord, cudaMemset, cudaGraphicsUnregisterResource, cudaMalloc, cudaEventElapsedTime, cudaGetDeviceCount, cudaEventCreate
Download and install the CUDA Toolkit 11.8 for your corresponding platform. Make sure the dependencies mentioned in Dependencies section above are installed.
The Windows samples are built using the Visual Studio IDE. Solution files (.sln) are provided for each supported version of Visual Studio, using the format:
*_vs<version>.sln - for Visual Studio <version>
Each individual sample has its own set of solution files in its directory:
To build/examine all the samples at once, the complete solution files should be used. To build/examine a single sample, the individual sample solution files should be used.
Note: Some samples require that the Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010 or newer) be installed and that the VC++ directory paths are properly set up (Tools > Options...). Check DirectX Dependencies section for details."