This api scrapes credit card websites to pull down the monthly rewards and return them as a json object.
This project uses
- Selenium: for web scraping (grab the text from websites)
- Falcon: the lightest weight python api framework I could find
- Venv: linux virtual environment to maintain easily deployable container
- Gunicorn: run the falcon api locally
- Sqlite: storing the categories should be ran every week with a cronjob to update the sqlite database (this gives us a faster response because it prevents the selenium test from running on each request as the test takes a few seconds to complete).
Run python app on webserver, then make a get request to /rewards
[1, "Discover", "it", "Grocery Stores"],
[2, "Citi", "Simplicity", "Home Furnishing Stores"]
I've saved the dependencies to requirements.txt, so quickly install all python requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
Developed using the following versions:
- Python: 3.6
- Pip: 10.0.1
- Firefox: 60.0.2
- Gunicorn: 19.8.1
- Sqlite: 3
$ apt-get install virtualenv
$ git clone
$ cd API-CreditCardRewardsScraper/falcon_api
$ virtualenv venv -p /user/bin/python3
$ . ven/bin/activate
(venv) $ apt-get install build-essentials python3-dev
(venv) $ pip install cython
(venv) $ pip install --no-binary :all: falcon
(venv) $ pip install gunicorn
(venv) $ gunicorn -b main:app
Now the api should be running on localhost:8080!
Great write up on running falcon apps with gunicorn: