I'm Kai. After finishing the training in the industry analysis workshop of Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, (MIC), I found that the information technology and the business logic are closely intertwined, and this reason made me interested in information technology. Then, I started to move forward in this field.In addition to self-study, I also studied 【Introduction to Computer】 in the Department of Counputer Science,【Software Project Management】in the Department of Information Management, etc. Apart from this, I worked as a 【Front-end Online Course part-time teaching Assistant】. Furthermore, I participated in competitions with the knowledge I learned, and got the good grades in result. In order to advance the skill of web development, I attended the 【Back-end Curriculum】of governmental vocational training center.
- Please check my resume at https://www.cakeresume.com/carl-liu.
- Please check my portfolio can be viewed at https://reurl.cc/YXM2pl.
- My Email: [email protected]
◉ Angular 14+ ( 1+ y) ◉ Vue3 ( 1y ) ◉ NG-Zorro / Angular Material / Ng-Alain ◉ SASS / TypeScript / Rx.js ◉ JS Lib ( jQuery、Chart、Three、D3 ) etc... |
◉ NET Core / NET Framework / Web API / MVC (1+ y) ◉ MS SQL ( 1+ y ) ◉ Signalr / AOP / IOC / Unit Test / LINQ / ABP Framework etc... ◉ C# / VB |
◉ Git ( Github / Git Flow ) / SourceTree / Jenkins / IIS ◉ Github Project ◉ Swagger / Postman ◉ Figma / PhotoShop / Draw.io |
- Having the experience of Full-Stack
- Good at communication, coordination and teamwork,have experience in communicating with non-professional backgrounds
- Good at finding resource and reading technical documents in English
- Having enthusiasm for learning new technologies and affairs