Kamshory Developer
- Indonesia
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-qziSbBmJ7iZj-cXqmcMg
PlanetbiruFileManager Public
Planetbiru File Manager is a web-based file manager using the PHP language that can be integrated with a variety of programs for managing files on the server. Planetbiru File Manager has a lot of v…
MusicProductionManager Public
Music Production Manager
ESP32DrumPad Public
PHPMusicXML Public
Create and convert MusicXML with PHP
MIDICreator Public
MIDI Creator is a web-based application that can convert sound into MIDI, both sound from files and sound from a microphone directly. MIDI Creator periodically samples the sound, analyzes the frequ…
ZKLibrary Public
ZKLibrary is PHP library for reading and writing data to attendance device using UDP protocol. This library useful to comunicate between web server and attendance device directly without addition p…
Lyric-Editor Public
OTP-Pi Public
OTP-Pi is a server for sending SMS via HTTP, WebSocket and Message Broker protocols. Users can install OTP-Pi on the server with a static IP address that can be accessed by clients who will send SM…
Al-Quran Public
Al Quran adalah aplikasi Al Quran berbasis web dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MariaDB.
OTP-Broker Public
OTP Broker adalah server untuk mengirimkan SMS melalui protokol HTTP, WebSocket dan Message Broker. Pengguna dapat memasang OTP Broker pada server dengan IP address statis yang diapat diakses oleh …
PitchDetect Public
Forked from cwilso/PitchDetectPitch detection in Web Audio using autocorrelation
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2023 -
arduino_midi_library Public
Forked from FortySevenEffects/arduino_midi_libraryMIDI for Arduino
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2023