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chriz-keera edited this page Oct 17, 2018 · 7 revisions

You can put together a simple game in Haskell in just a few hours. This page contains examples of Haskell games written using different techniques, from good-old imperative IO code to FRP.

Board Game Scaffold

The board game scaffold is a good starting point for diving into game programming. It contains

  • a game structure description that shows how all our games are structured. Why you should read it? The document will tell you.
  • tasks that can be used as starting points including theory and practice for building your own game.
  • source code and a README to run the board game scaffold.

This game combines the following features:

  • SDL 2
  • Input/Output (Mouse events)
  • Functional Programming


Raindrops is a game in which you need to collect things as they drop from the sky. The more you collect, the faster they drop. The game has no final level. How far can you go?

This game combines the following features:

  • SDL 1.2
  • Wiimote support
  • Imperative programming
  • Basic physics


Haskanoid is an implementation of breakout (Arkanoid) in Haskell. It combines the following features:

  • SDL 1.2 (graphics and audio)
  • Wiimote and kinect support
  • Functional Reactive Programming
  • Basic Physics

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