A fast rich web application that can be used as shop, cms, forum and much more
- planing
- at the moment source contains a simple "hello world" based on vibe.d
ubuntu 15.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10/
monodevelop 5.10 (http://www.monodevelop.com/download/linux/)
mono (http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/linux/#debian-ubuntu-and-derivatives) sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF echo "deb http://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian wheezy main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-xamarin.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install monodevelop
mono.d plugin
dmd compiler
- the programming languange => D
- as fast as C, more high level, stable, self compiling ....
- vibe.d (High-level declarative REST and web application framework) http://vibed.org/
- package manger dub
- development with mono-d (except debugging)
- first data model
- improve data model
- simple website
- hosting
- deployment
- data abstraction layer
- smart internal object cache that knows about related objects
- mongo db
- smart build in HTTP cache support
- Fast and simple client side javascript for geting only the nesesarry parts of the next page
- smart template engine that precompiles templates, and supports round-trip-engineering with the page editor
- (optional support for http://ejdb.org/ for the standalone version)
- online page editor cms content (in page editing)
- online page editor css
- online page editor templates
- partner network and seperation of responsibilities
- push API to push objects and pages into the system
- page plugins to fetch data from or other systems on page build
- page plugins to send data to other systems on actions
- API to get objects out of the system
- administration areas
- webshop functionallity
- License is AGPL
- License/copyright notice should not be included in every file as long it's clear that the file is also part of this project or a project under the same licence.
- License/copyright should not include any names but the commit history must be preserved
- License/copyright should not include any date but the commit history must be preserved
- the running system must include a link to the source with the license (at least in the footer or imprint page or contact page)
- Free Websites / Webshops
- they can spend money for public charity
- you can become a sponser, sponser will be promotet on the wepage, the partner networpage, the sponsors page and on events.
- all profit will be reinvested or used for marketing
- the goal is to become the best web system, because of
- performance
- save hosting cost,
- save costs for scaling
- save costs for complex webcache setups
- save the nature,
- user expirence
- security
- extensibility
- write email to [email protected]
- what you can do, what you like to do
- thing i could need help
- remove spelling errors
- design for websites
- d programmers for the application
- organization
- networking, build partner network
- legal stuff
- finding new members
- writing dokumentation
- Hosting Partners "Manged Servers" (monitoring (application, firewall, logs, logins, load), firewall, security(restricted user accounts, restricted file access rights, https configuration, restricted physical access to the servers), rolling updates, backup & recovery)
- Designer (Styleguide, Atomic Design, Responsive Design, Web Design)
- HTML/CSS Developers (Jade Templates, Online Editor)
- Service Developers (Dataformat: PLAN x(JSON, SOAP, XML))
- Plugin Developers (D http://dlang.org/)
- Project Managment (Certifiet Projectmanager, will also organze ticketsystem & password managment tools if needed)