The data is from Taipei Open data platform
- Fetch information from Taipei Open data platform immediately.
- Parse the result to jsonobject.
- Make a listview for user to know how many places are under construncion.
- Put markers on map.
- MainActivity list construction infomation
- MapsActivity make markers on google map by address
- listview
- listitem onclick
- mapview
before build and run
- app/src/debug/res/valuesgoogle_maps_api.xml
- app/src.main/AndroidManifest.xml
- app/src/main/java/necisam/kk_map/
- Network Delay Handle(network delay,reconnect...)
- Error handle
- Data cache(limited geocoding api)
- UI design
- address preprocess(some address contains multiple place , which has no result after geoconding, for example 成功路一段32號、88號及松河街(向陽路口)共三處檢視井)
- notification if some construction is nearby, sort list by the distance according to current location
Apache License 2.0