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This repository was archived by the owner on May 15, 2023. It is now read-only.

Releases: knah/VRCMods


16 Jul 22:27
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Read the Malicious Mods and you doc!


  • Turbones: added extra APIs for integration with other mods (hint hint ImmersiveTouch)

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


13 Jul 23:22
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Read the Malicious Mods and you doc!


  • All mods: you'll only see one annoying red message per game launch if you're malicious. Unfortunately, it'll also be the last thing you'll see.
  • Advanced Safety: fixed another possible menu overrender approach
  • Advanced Safety: fixed for build 1113
  • IKTweaks: added A-pose calibration
  • IKTweaks: added improved wingspan avatar scaling mode
  • IKTweaks: added more control over what can be controlled by animations (for people who want their locomotion animation but not hands being untracked weirdness)
  • IKTweaks: added an option to remove restrictions on head angle in 3-point mode when crouching/prone
  • IKTweaks: improved trigger input handling for calibration
  • UI Expansion Kit: fixed UIX failing to initialize if some mods behave poorly
  • UI Expansion Kit: made the camera expando toggle bigger as it was hard to hit

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


25 Jun 20:59
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  • Turbones: greatly improved scaling stiffness for various framerates - this means less too floppy/too stiff ears/hair/tails
  • Advanced Safety: fixed spamming exceptions in some cases

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


24 Jun 19:20
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  • New mod: Turbones - dynamic bones that aren't slow!
  • Turbones: fixed a crash when MDB Moarbones was enabled
  • Advanced Safety: fix avatar filtering
  • Advanced Safety: add sorting queue limiter
  • Lag Free Screenshots: add an option to try limiting framebuffer size for better performance of highres screenshots
  • Mirror Resolution Unlimiter: add an option to have mirror MSAA setting as an upper limit (goes will with LFS reducing MSAA)

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


16 Jun 23:43
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  • Some mods: updated for build 1105 of VRChat
  • Some mods: updated for MelonLoader 0.4.0
  • Advanced Safety: added a patch for invalid floats in assetbundles

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


05 Jun 13:20
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  • JoinNotifier: fixed for build 1102
  • Mirror Resolution Unlimiter: fixed settings not being applied on startup
  • UI Expansion Kit: fixed quick menu expando panels being shown all the time regardless of settings or hiding them manually
  • FavCat: fixed pedestal scanning

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


05 Jun 13:46
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  • JoinNotifier: fixed custom sounds breaking the mod occasionally

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


04 Jun 02:30
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  • IKTweaks: added an option to scale avatar to player height instead of player arm span
  • FavCat: added online indicators to social favorites (only online/offline for now)
  • Fixed FavCat and UIX for build 1101

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


29 May 19:09
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  • All mods: your favorite loader integrity check from UI Expansion Kit is now in every mod. Happy walls of red text if you decide to use malicious mods! Only one Enter press to confirm them all, though.
  • All mods: update usages of obsolete MelonLoader methods to new 0.3.0 ones
  • FavCat: avatar search will stay after favorites are gone.
  • FavCat: added a setting to change what avatar search does.
  • FavCat: make the annoying message harder to accidentally skip.
  • SparkleBeGone: optimize code a bit, make settings apply immediately
  • Mirror Resolution Unlimiter: added an option to override pixel lights in mirrors
  • UI Expansion Kit: add a few more requested APIs
  • UI Expansion Kit: mod settings categories are sorted alphabetically now
  • UI Expansion Kit: add support for camera expando - attach extra buttons and menus to the camera itself!
  • CameraMinus: add an option to use the new camera expando (enabled by default)
  • JoinNotifier: added an option to hide notifications for users you have blocked

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!


18 May 13:44
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  • FavCat: include canny link in-game
  • Finitizer: patch stuff differently to hopefully prevent even more floor poofing

USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Modding the client is against VRChat ToS. I am not responsible for any bans or other punishments you may get by using these mods!