Project Repo: mridgers/clink: Bash's powerful command line editing in cmd.exe
Run clink set
can display all the available options. Run clink set OPTION
can show the OPTION description and valid value options. e.g. clink set terminate_autoanswer
If you want to show all the settings' description, run the following batch commands:
clink set ctrld_exits
clink set esc_clears_line
clink set match_colour
clink set exec_match_style
clink set space_prefix_match_files
clink set prompt_colour
clink set terminate_autoanswer
clink set history_file_lines
clink set history_ignore_space
clink set history_dupe_mode
clink set history_io
clink set history_expand_mode
clink set use_altgr_substitute
clink set strip_crlf_on_paste
clink set ansi_code_support
Name: ctrld_exits
Description: Pressing Ctrl-D exits session
Current value: 1
Ctrl-D exits cmd.exe when it is pressed on an empty line.
Name: esc_clears_line
Description: Toggle if pressing Esc clears line
Current value: 1
Clink clears the current line when Esc is pressed (unless Readline's Vi mode is enabled).
Name: match_colour
Description: Match display colour
Current value: -1
Colour to use when displaying matches. A value less than 0 will be the opposite brightness of the default colour.
Name: exec_match_style
Description: Executable match style
Current value: 2
Values: 0 = PATH only
1 = PATH and CWD
2 = PATH, CWD, and directories
Changes how Clink will match executables when there is no path separator on the line. 0 = PATH only, 1 = PATH and CWD, 2 = PATH, CWD, and directories. In all cases both executables and directories are matched when there is a path separator present. A value of -1 will disable executable matching completely.
Name: space_prefix_match_files
Description: Whitespace prefix matches files
Current value: 1
If the line begins with whitespace then Clink bypasses executable matching and will match all files and directories instead.
Name: prompt_colour
Description: Colour of the prompt
Current value: -1
Surrounds the prompt in ANSI escape codes to set the prompt's colour. Disabled when the value is less than 0.
Name: terminate_autoanswer
Description: Auto-answer terminate prompt
Current value: 0
Values: 0 = Disabled
1 = Answer 'Y'
2 = Answer 'N'
Automatically answers cmd.exe's 'Terminate batch job (Y/N)?' prompts. 0 = disabled, 1 = answer 'Y', 2 = answer 'N'.
Name: history_file_lines
Description: Lines of history saved to disk
Current value: 10000
When set to a positive integer this is the number of lines of history that will persist when Clink saves the command history to disk. Use 0 for infinite lines and <0 to disable history persistence.
Name: history_ignore_space
Description: Skip adding lines prefixed with whitespace
Current value: 0
Ignore lines that begin with whitespace when adding lines in to the history.
Name: history_dupe_mode
Description: Controls how duplicate entries are handled
Current value: 2
Values: 0 = Always add
1 = Ignore
2 = Erase previous
If a line is a duplicate of an existing history entry Clink will erase the duplicate when this is set 2. A value of 1 will not add duplicates to the history and a value of 0 will always add lines. Note that history is not deduplicated when reading/writing to disk.
Name: history_io
Description: Read/write history file each line edited
Current value: 0
When non-zero the history will be read from disk before editing a new line and written to disk afterwards.
Name: history_expand_mode
Description: Sets how command history expansion is applied
Current value: 4
Values: 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Not in single quotes
3 = Not in double quote
4 = Not in any quotes
The '!' character in an entered line can be interpreted to introduce words from the history. This can be enabled and disable by setting this value to 1 or 0. Values or 2, 3 or 4 will skip any ! character quoted in single, double, or both quotes respectively.
Name: use_altgr_substitute
Description: Support Windows' Ctrl-Alt substitute for AltGr
Current value: 1
Windows provides Ctrl-Alt as a substitute for AltGr, historically to support keyboards with no AltGr key. This may collide with some of Readline's bindings.
Name: strip_crlf_on_paste
Description: Strips CR and LF chars on paste
Current value: 2
Values: 0 = Paste unchanged
1 = Strip
2 = As space
Setting this to a value >0 will make Clink strip CR and LF characters from text pasted into the current line. Set this to 1 to strip all newline characters and 2 to replace them with a space.
Name: ansi_code_support
Description: Enables basic ANSI escape code support
Current value: 1
When printing the prompt, Clink has basic built-in support for SGR ANSI escape codes to control the text colours. This is automatically disabled if a third party tool is detected that also provides this facility. It can also be disabled by setting this to 0.
clink set terminate_autoanswer 1
- Update
file- version
- releaseNotes
- Update
- Url
- Checksum
- Build NuGet package
choco pack
choco install clink -d -s .
choco uninstall clink -d -s .
choco push clink.0.4.9.nupkg --source
Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path .\clink_0.4.9_setup.exe