A top-down shooting game featuring powerups and waves of non-stop enemies!
Simply download the executable for your desired platform and run!
Get the raylib sources from https://github.com/raysan5/raylib Download the zip file, or clone the repository. It doesn't matter what one you use. Put the raylib sources in a folder called raylib inside your game folder (The same folder this file is in). The folder must be named raylib, it can not be raylib-master. The raylib folder should contain all the sources from raylib (including the 'src' folder)
For windows users, there are two batch files you can use depending on what compiler you are using. For linux users you can simply use a terminal. Only do ONE of these options depending on your compiler and platform.
Visual Studio users should run
This will generate a Visual Studio project.
Please make sure you have a recent version of MinGW-W64. The older versons from mingw.org will not work. We recomend the W64Devkit. I thas everything needed to build raylib. I can be downloaded from here https://github.com/skeeto/w64devkit/releases
Once you have MinGW-W64 Run the batch file.
This will generate a makefile for you
cd to the game folder and run
./premake5 gmake2
This will generate a makefile for you.
cd to the game folder and run
./premake5.osx gmake2
This will generate a makefile for you.
Only do ONE of these options depending on your compiler and platform.
Double click the .sln file that was generated in the folder. From here you can use the project as normal.
Open your compiler terminal (w64devkit if you are using it), change to the game folder and type
This will build your game
Open your terminal, change to the game folder and type.
This will build your starting game template
If you need to build for a different OpenGL version than the default (OpenGL 3.3) you can specify an openGL version in your premake command line. Just modify the bat file or add the following to your command line
If you need to add a separate library to your game you can do that very easily. Simply copy the _lib folder and rename it to what you want your lib to be called. Replace lib.c with the sources for your library (just copy them in the folder). If you library has an include folder, copy that too. Then go to the premake5.lua file in the game folder, and link your library by calling link_to with the folder name for the library.
Rerun premake and it will build your library for you. Note that by default link_to will add include dirs for your library folder and library/include. If you have other include needs you will have to add those to your premake file manually.