A small program to make selections:
echo -e "melon juice\ntoast\ngrapes" | sel -verbose
- feature: implement undo-redo history.
- save a list of the last indices which changed
- make the U key undo that list
- make ctrl-r redo these changes
- after going back with u key and making changes with other keys, chop off history which was undone and make new keys start a new history from current point.
- bug: this freezes the terminal completely, terminal has to be killed:
echo $(echo -e "melon juice\ntoast\ngrapes" | sel)
- bug: fix bug #1
- boxes not aligned (front misaligned).
- endings print double ("toastst") and fill the space lost in the front.
~/repos/remote_visible/dev/sel$ echo -e "melon juice\ntoast\ngrapes" | sel | while read x; do echo "$x"; done
> [ ] melon juice
[ ] toastst
[ ] grapeses