write in GO language.
- checkout ""
- open file, read line by line, each line is a path and a rule set for that path.
- path can contain home: replace home directory.
- search find files in path.
- see tree behind that path matches rule set.
- print git status from within go, list uncommited changes.
- print git status from within go, list unpushed changes.
merge in GITWALKER project.
MAYBE: merge in HUB project.
MAYBE: merge in BDIRBS project.
feature: allow watchcat directories to be git repos.
feature: give watchcat the ability to check for the existence of certain git remote addresses.
feature: restore computer setup from a list of directories and git remotes.
implement checking the rules and alert (positive and negative).
implement linting of rules.
implement profiles or Watchconf files (ie user-specified profiles, in addition to pre-defined profiles: eg media store for videos and music, categorized media store, projects of restricted complexity).
when everything else is coded: write some unit tests (eg by writing everything in python).
when everything else is coded: implement algorithm to check for conflicting rules.
decide what to do if a git repo includes a watchconf file.
maybe use other linter or C module to identify size of direcotries faster.
implement the following watchconf codes.
make tests for all watchconf codes (and permutations).
# WATCHCONF CODES (default linting: alert about broken rules).
- i = ignore directory (ensure no rules are specified for directory subtree).
- o = ensure directory does not contain any files (linting: delete fast, shred -zu , view+select+delete).
- O = ensure directory does not contain any directories (linting: delete fast, shred -zu , view+select+delete).
- z = ensure directory or file is empty (if it exists) (linting: delete fast, shred -zu , view+select+delete).
- e = ensure directory or file exists (linting: create).
- s = ensure all files have the same directory depth.
- T(e1[, en]) = ensure only the listed file types exist (as output by the linux command 'file').
- t(e1[, en]) = ensure only the listed file endings exist (eg. .pdf, .txt, .md, .srt, .sub, .mp4, .mp3, etc).
- d(N) = ensure minimum directory depth of length N.
- D(N) = ensure maximum directory depth of length N.
- f(N) = ensure minimum file depth of length N.
- F(N) = ensure maximum file depth of length N.
- w = allow existence of Watchconf sub trees.
- W = allow existence of Watchconf sub trees (recursively include them into the report).
- h = allow existence of hidden directories and files.
- g = allow existence of git direcotries.
- G = treat git directories as final nodes.
- p[a-Z...] = allow file names to only contain the specified characters.
- P[a-Z...] = allow directory names to only contain the specified characters.
- n[a-Z...] = like n, but disallows specified characters.
- N[a-Z...] = like N, but disallows specified characters.
- x(N) = ensure file size max.
- X(N) = ensure file size min.
- y(N) = ensure directory size max.
- Y(N) = ensure directory size min.
- a = forbid duplicated files.
- A = forbid duplicated directories.
- b = forbid duplicated file names.
- B = forbid duplicated directory names.
. ezN[ ]
./folderA/ z
./folderA/subA/ ez
./folderA/subB/ ez
./folderB/ zs
./folderB/fileA.txt e
./folderB/fileB.txt z
./folderC/ ez
./folderD/ t(txt,srt,sub,mp4)
./folderE/ t(mp3)