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Logo Bun Cache

Bun Cache is a caching library for Bun apps that harnesses the power of the Bun's SQLite to offer a straightforward and efficient caching solution.

Installation 📦

To get Bun Cache up and running, you can easily install it using bun cli:

bun add @samocodes/bun-cache

Usage 🚀

To leverage Bun Cache, simply create a new instance of the BunCache class and start using its methods:

import { BunCache } from "@samocodes/bun-cache";

const cache = new BunCache(); // new BunCache(true) for persistance

cache.put("my-key", "my-value", 1000); // Store a value with a 1-second TTL
const value = cache.get("my-key");

console.log(value); // 🌟 "my-value"


BunCache Class

  • persistance: The persistance mode for the cache. If set to true, the cache will be stored in the database and will persist across app restarts. If set to false, the cache will be stored in memory and will be lost when the app is restarted.

put(key: string, value: string | object, ttl?: number): boolean

Adds a value to the cache.

  • key: The key under which to store the value.
  • value: The value to be stored.
  • ttl: The time-to-live for the value, in milliseconds.
  • Returns: true if the value was successfully stored, false otherwise.

get(key: string): string | object | null

Retrieves the value associated with a key from the cache.

  • key: The key for which to fetch the value.
  • Returns: The value if the key exists and hasn't expired, null otherwise.

delete(key: string): boolean

Removes a key from the cache.

  • key: The key to be deleted.
  • Returns: true if the key was successfully deleted, false otherwise.

hasKey(key: string): boolean

Checks if a key exists in the cache.

  • key: The key to be checked
  • Returns: true if the key exists, false otherwise

License 📜

Bun Cache is distributed under the MIT License.


Simple and fast bun caching with Bun's SQLite



