v3.0.8 🌈
355 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What’s Changed
- add wongearl as a contributor for code (#1915) @allcontributors
- fix(typo): containerd (#1903) @jojotong
- add testwill as a contributor for code, and doc (#1884) @allcontributors
- fix(kubeadm): certSANs use quotes, avoid to be parsed as int (#1863) @jojotong
- perf(image): pull image specify arch (#1862) @jojotong
- add yjqg6666 as a contributor for code (#1859) @allcontributors
- add littleBlackHouse as a contributor for code, and doc (#1858) @allcontributors
- add default retry for artifact push image when some image push failed (#1849) @wenwutang1
- fix(node): delete node confirm skip (#1840) @jojotong
- Add new kubernetes version (#1841) @github-actions
- feat: supported custom local registry domain (#1830) @pixiake
- support Configure the default bridge network (#1831) @wenwutang1
- add jojotong as a contributor for code (#1828) @allcontributors
- fix(cluster): delete cluster confirm skip (#1826) @jojotong
- add kiragoo as a contributor for code (#1825) @allcontributors
- add Nello-Angelo as a contributor for ideas (#1820) @allcontributors
- Add new kubernetes version (#1819) @github-actions
- fix: remove syncKubeConfigToWorker with strict security concerns (#1665) @xiaods
- Add new kubernetes version (#1810) @github-actions
- add littleplus as a contributor for code (#1795) @allcontributors
- update cilium chart to 1.11.7 (#1794) @pixiake
- add deqingLv as a contributor for code (#1793) @allcontributors
- fix: unable to build centos7 iso (#1791) @deqingLv
- update cni plugin: flannel to v0.21.3 (#1789) @deqingLv
- add nicognaW as a contributor for code (#1784) @allcontributors
- Fix typo: change 'retires' to 'retries' (#1780) @nicognaW
- add ExerciseBook as a contributor for code (#1783) @allcontributors
- Add new kubernetes version (#1775) @github-actions
- Add new kubernetes version (#1763) @github-actions
- add fangzhengjin as a contributor for code (#1751) @allcontributors
- Update components version for export manifest (#1750) @fangzhengjin
- Add new kubernetes version (#1711) @github-actions
🚀 Features
- support to use external dns to resolve control-plane domain (#1917) @pixiake
- Support custom CALICO_IPV4POOL_NAT_OUTGOING (#1906) @pixiake
- refeact: move autoscaler deployment form template to docs. (#1899) @littleBlackHouse
- update version to v3.1.0-rc.0 support ks version v3.4.0-rc.0 (#1895) @littleBlackHouse
- feat: add autoscaler and machinehealthycheck (#1894) @littleBlackHouse
- feat: Support for enabling kube-apiserver auditing (#1892) @pixiake
- chore: remove the duplicated switch statements (#1886) @LinuxSuRen
- Support for installing calicoctl (#1881) @pixiake
- support custom argument when start the kubelet (#1856) @littleBlackHouse
- feat: Add support for building Debian 11 repository iso (#1808) @yjqg6666
- add more etcd parameters (#1778) @pixiake
- feat: add v1.25.5 to k8e binary (#1740) @xiaods
- Feat: add cni virtual device deletion (#1715) @vicoooo26
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: Modify incorrect parameters (#1918) @littleBlackHouse
- fix: Modify incorrect parameters (#1914) @littleBlackHouse
- fix: imagefullName support more than two slash-separated (#1907) @wongearl
- fix: fix ubuntu version get (#1911) @wongearl
- fix: add secret option to auth-type. (#1898) @littleBlackHouse
- fix: Modify the imagePullPolicy to make it more practical for offline… (#1896) @littleBlackHouse
- add finalizer be more robust (#1872) @littleBlackHouse
- stop kubelet service first when remove worker node. (#1877) @hellocn9
- fix: change default kernel paramter. (#1861) @littleBlackHouse
- [#1853] update the way to get containerd cgroup driver config (#1854) @yjqg6666
- add clean up the VXLAN interface when delete the cluster (#1857) @hellocn9
- [#1851] fix hack/version.sh incorrect git version (#1852) @yjqg6666
- fix: Add multiple etcd nodes failed (#1838) @pixiake
- fix: Add worker label according to host role (#1832) @pixiake
- fix: local repository is hard-coded as centos7 (#1824) @pixiake
- 更新默认Cilium版本以修复一个已知Bug (#1779) @littleplus
- fix: RefineDockerVersion can not parse zero minor version correctly (#1782) @ExerciseBook
- fix: docker login escape special characters (#1759) @fangzhengjin
- fix: compose version error (#1758) @fangzhengjin
📝 Documentation updates
- docs: correct the etcd related number type (#1902) @LinuxSuRen
- docs: add a new example of kk create with specific download cmd (#1905) @LinuxSuRen
- [doc] Update README to state that Debian 11 Bullseye is supported (#1850) @yjqg6666
👻 Maintenance
- add calicoctl to artifact (#1913) @pixiake
- chore: remove refs to deprecated io/ioutil (#1882) @testwill
- use os or io package to replace ioutil package (#1874) @hellocn9
- Add capkk documents (#1870) @pixiake
- chore: fix spelling mistakes of the tasks in coredns module (#1821) @kiragoo
- build(deps): bump lewagon/wait-on-check-action from 1.2.0 to 1.3.1 (#1734) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump docker/build-push-action from 2 to 4 (#1718) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump golangci/golangci-lint-action from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 (#1712) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump github.com/evanphx/json-patch from 4.12.0+incompatible to 5.6.0+incompatible (#1634) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 2 (#1266) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 1 to 2 (#1265) @dependabot
- chore: modify the codes for go-staticcheck and others (#1742) @kiragoo
- chore: rename the task of SyncKubelet (#1772) @kiragoo
- chore: rename the file of action results for uniform naming (#1732) @kiragoo
- Fix typo and tune description in registry bootstrap module (#1725) @vicoooo26