Welcome to the University Of Ghana Computer Science Department! This website was created with the aim of improving the Department's already existing page (https://dcs.ug.edu.gh/).
- Open your terminal.
- Use the command: cd
- Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.
- git clone https://github.com/kulbriz233/11358176_DCIT_205_IA.git and press enter.
- Once the process completes, navigate into the newly created directory with the command "cd <Repository_name> "and start working on your cloned project. 6.You would not need to install any dependencies, configure or build the project
- Name: Ninyung Augustine
- Student ID: 11358176
Throughout this project, I've gained valuable insights and skills in creating and styling webpages from scratch. Some key takeaways include:
- HTML Semantic elements and styling using dependencies and many more.
- It was quite satisfying and a bit stressful😊😎.
- My experience makes was awesome taking into consideration all that I have learnt