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Separate istio step (#25)
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* Separate istio installation
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pbochynski authored Oct 13, 2020
1 parent fd9b966 commit 712cc8c
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Showing 4 changed files with 11 additions and 130 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/app-connector-e2e.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ jobs:
echo "Installing helm"
curl -s | bash
while [[ $(kubectl get nodes -o 'jsonpath={..status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}') != "True" ]]; do echo "Waiting for cluster nodes to be ready"; sleep 2; done
- name: Install Istio
run: |
- name: Install Kyma
SKIP_MODULES: apiserver-proxy,helm-broker,console,cluster-users,apiserver-proxy,logging,tracing
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Instal istio
if [[ ! -f istio-1.5.10/bin/istioctl ]]; then
curl -sL | ISTIO_VERSION=1.5.10 sh -
istio-1.5.10/bin/istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,12 +82,6 @@ kubectl apply -f resources/cluster-essentials/files -n kyma-system
helm_install pod-preset resources/cluster-essentials/charts/pod-preset kyma-system
helm_install testing resources/testing kyma-system

# Instal istio
if [[ ! -f istio-1.5.8/bin/istioctl ]]; then
curl -sL | ISTIO_VERSION=1.5.8 sh -
istio-1.5.8/bin/istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo

helm_install ingress-dns-cert ingress-dns-cert istio-system --set $OVERRIDES &

helm_install dex resources/dex kyma-system --set $OVERRIDES &
Expand Down
127 changes: 3 additions & 124 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,124 +1,3 @@

# Wait until number of background jobs is less than $1, try every $2 second(s)
function waitForJobs() {
while (( (( JOBS_COUNT=$(jobs -p | wc -l) )) > $1 )); do echo "Waiting for $JOBS_COUNT command(s) executed in the background, elapsed time: $(( $SECONDS/60 )) min $(( $SECONDS % 60 )) sec"; jobs >/dev/null ; sleep $2; done

# Create docker network
docker network create k3d-kyma

# Start docker Registry
docker run -d \
-p 5000:5000 \
--restart=always \
--name registry.localhost \
--network k3d-kyma \
-v $PWD/registry:/var/lib/registry \

# Create Kyma cluster
k3d cluster create kyma \
--port 80:80@loadbalancer \
--port 443:443@loadbalancer \
--k3s-server-arg --no-deploy \
--k3s-server-arg traefik \
--network k3d-kyma \
--volume $PWD/${REGISTRY_CONFIG}:/etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml \
--wait \
--switch-context \
--timeout 60s

# Delete cluster with keep-registry-volume to cache docker images
# k3d cluster delete kyma
echo "Cluster created in $(( $SECONDS/60 )) min $(( $SECONDS % 60 )) sec"

# This file will be created by cert-manager (not needed anymore):
rm resources/core/charts/gateway/templates/kyma-gateway-certs.yaml

# apiserver-proxy dependencies are not required (cannot be disabled by values yet):
rm resources/apiserver-proxy/requirements.yaml
rm -R resources/apiserver-proxy/charts

# Create namespaces
kubectl create ns kyma-system
kubectl create ns istio-system
kubectl create ns kyma-integration
kubectl create ns knative-serving
kubectl create ns knative-eventing
kubectl create ns natss

kubectl label ns istio-system istio-injection=disabled --overwrite

# Wait for nodes to be ready before scheduling any workload
while [[ $(kubectl get nodes -o 'jsonpath={..status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}') != "True" ]]; do echo "Waiting for cluster nodes to be ready, elapsed time: $(( $SECONDS/60 )) min $(( $SECONDS % 60 )) sec"; sleep 2; done

kubectl apply -f resources/cluster-essentials/files -n kyma-system
helm upgrade -i pod-preset resources/cluster-essentials/charts/pod-preset -n kyma-system
helm upgrade -i testing resources/testing -n kyma-system

# Patch CoreDNS with entries for registry.localhost and *
export REGISTRY_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' /registry.localhost)
sed "s/REGISTRY_IP/$REGISTRY_IP/" coredns-patch.tpl >coredns-patch.yaml
kubectl -n kube-system patch cm coredns --patch "$(cat coredns-patch.yaml)" &

helm upgrade -i istio resources/istio --set global.isLocalEnv=true -n istio-system

# Set environment variables with chart values (overrides)
export OVERRIDES=global.isLocalEnv=false,global.ingress.domainName=$DOMAIN,global.environment.gardener=false,global.domainName=$DOMAIN,global.tlsCrt=ZHVtbXkK
export ORY=global.ory.hydra.persistence.enabled=false,global.ory.hydra.persistence.postgresql.enabled=false,hydra.hydra.autoMigrate=false
export LOCALREGISTRY="dockerRegistry.enableInternal=false,dockerRegistry.serverAddress=registry.localhost:5000,dockerRegistry.registryAddress=registry.localhost:5000,global.ingress.domainName=$DOMAIN"

helm upgrade -i ingress-dns-cert ingress-dns-cert --set $OVERRIDES -n istio-system &
helm upgrade -i istio-kyma-patch resources/istio-kyma-patch -n istio-system &

helm upgrade -i dex resources/dex --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i ory resources/ory --set $OVERRIDES --set $ORY -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i api-gateway resources/api-gateway --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &

helm upgrade -i rafter resources/rafter --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i service-catalog resources/service-catalog --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i service-catalog-addons resources/service-catalog-addons --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i helm-broker resources/helm-broker --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &

helm upgrade -i core resources/core --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i console resources/console --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i cluster-users resources/cluster-users --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i apiserver-proxy resources/apiserver-proxy --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i serverless resources/serverless --set $LOCALREGISTRY -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i logging resources/logging --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &
helm upgrade -i tracing resources/tracing --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-system &

helm upgrade -i knative-eventing resources/knative-eventing -n knative-eventing &

helm upgrade -i application-connector resources/application-connector --set $OVERRIDES -n kyma-integration &
helm upgrade -i knative-provisioner-natss resources/knative-provisioner-natss -n knative-eventing &
helm upgrade -i nats-streaming resources/nats-streaming -n natss &
helm upgrade -i event-sources resources/event-sources -n kyma-system &

# Create installer deployment scaled to 0 to get console running:
kubectl apply -f installer-local.yaml &

# Wait for jobs - helm commands executed in the background
waitForJobs 0 5

echo "##############################################################################"
echo "# Kyma cluster created in $(( $SECONDS/60 )) min $(( $SECONDS % 60 )) sec"
echo "##############################################################################"
# Download the certificate:
kubectl get secret kyma-gateway-certs -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' | base64 --decode > kyma.crt
# Import the certificate:
echo "Generated self signed TLS certificate should be trusted in your system. On Mac Os X execute this command:"
echo ""
echo " sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain kyma.crt"
echo ""
echo "This is one time operation (you can skip this step if you did it before)."
echo ""
echo 'Kyma Console Url:'
echo `kubectl get virtualservice console-web -n kyma-system -o jsonpath='{ .spec.hosts[0] }'`
echo 'User [email protected], password:'
echo `kubectl get secret admin-user -n kyma-system -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode`


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