Build the front end of the online public library service with the API provided documentation. Allow user to view catalogue, register/login and check out books (viz-a-viz CRUD interface, user authentication, via JSON Web Tokens).
(React, API, authentication, JSON web tokens)
Create a new React App from scratch Review the linked API which is hosted on the BookBuddy API. Note: This API is different in that it allows us to do more than request data. It also allows us to log in, and even check out books. To do this, recall CRUD and user authentication via JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Review the overall flow of the applications you have created so far: Fetch the initial data and build the application state Plan out event listeners for the interface. User interaction triggers event listeners, which in turn update data in multiple places: Pass update requests to API. API returns success or failure for an update. On success, update state to reflect the change. On failure, render a useful error message to user. React re-renders components based on updated state.
I - Build a basic Frontend Application All users should be able to: See all books in the library’s catalog View details of an individual book Log in to an existing account Register a new account
II - Logged in Functionality Logged in users should be able to: Checkout an available book View their account details Name Email Books currently checked out Users should be able to return books that they previously checked out