500 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What's New
- Add support to unmarshal json in cli option struct @abdullah1308 (#321)
- fix hover effect @Rajivkumawat3 (#316)
- Setup google tag manager for nighthawk website @ayushthe1 (#318)
- add notes related to Transform function @MUzairS15 (#310)
- Updated build to Go 1.19 @MRafaydev (#285)
- #301 Fixed Community welcome link Signed-off-by: Aryan Sharma [email protected] @AryanSharma9917 (#305)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@AryanSharma9917, @Chadha93, @MRafaydev, @MUzairS15, @Rajivkumawat3, @abdullah1308, @ayushthe1 and @leecalcote