Buffertag is a very simple plugin which always shows the buffer name in non-focused windows.
This is designed to be used with the set laststatus=3
configuration which removes
the unnecessary status lines on each window.
This idea came from enjoying the space saving of set laststatus=3
but missing
the ability to quickly reference which buffers are in which windows. I split
hard, and I split often.
Plug 'ldelossa/buffertag'
lua require('buffertag').setup({
-- accepts any border options that `nvim_open_win` accepts.
-- see ":help vim.api.nvim_open_win"
border = "none",
-- By default if the buffer name is too wide for the pane it's in, it will
-- display and overlap the pane. By setting this to true, the buffer name will
-- be truncated to fit within the pane, ensuring the floating window does not
-- overlap any other panes.
limit_width = false,
-- if `vim.bo.modified` is `true` for the current buffer,
-- display modified symbol before the buffer name.
modified_symbol = "[+]", -- other modified symbol: "●"
: BuffertagToggle
Checkout the demo video here