Allows the use of the Hadouken API from node.js. View the documentation
- Node.js LTS ^6.9
$ npm install -S hadouken-js-adapter
const { connect, Identity } = require("hadouken-js-adapter");
address: "ws://localhost:9696",
uuid: "my-uuid-123"
function logic(fin) {
fin.System.getVersion().then(v => console.log("Connected to Hadouken version", v));
const win = fin.Window.wrap({
uuid: "remote-app-uuid",
name: "remote-window-name"
win.moveBy(500, 0).then(win.flash());
function connError(err) {
console.log("Error triying to connect,", err.message);
npm run build
npm test -- --ver=alpha
Only executing tests that pattern match "Application"
npm test -- --ver=alpha --grep="Application"
Executing tests that do not pattern match "System"
npm test -- --ver=alpha --invert --grep="System"
To start the read-eval-print loop:
npm run repl -- --ver=alpha
We use JSDoc for documentation and generating the documentation will require our custom JSDoc template. Use the following commands to execute the docs task:
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm run doc