Homelisc is a website which aims to bring together a community of people who are passionate about creating homemade and traditional products and the ones who search for the same. We aim to deliver a great user-friendly mobile website where vendors and users can engage in the growth of the homemade products community.
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- Theme of the Day
- Best Picks
- Best Shops
- Most cherished Product
- Update user information (profile picture, name, and email).
- Reset Password.
- Change Password.
- Log in to like, comment, and rate.
- Add/remove products and shop to/from the wish list.
- Search for categories, products, and shops.
- Filter based on 4+ ratings and locations and sort the results based on product prices.
- Register up to 3 shops.
- Edit shop information.
- Add, edit, and remove products.
- Sort the products alphabetically or by rating.
- Reply and/or like the reviews.
- Filter the reviews product-wise and sort them by rating or likes.
- Get insights into each shop, which includes-
- Total shop rating
- Shop rating over the week
- Wishlist and visit count of the shop
- Distribution of shop rating
- Product wish list with respect to visit count
- Product rating distribution stacked chart
- Export insights.