NOTE: Applications deployed in this repository are not meant or configured for production.
- Installation script must be used with a GKE cluster because we use Workload Identity to talk to GCP services.
- Components are installed as ArgoCD Applications.
- Files under the
directory are meant to be usable without any modifications. This means certain configuration options like domain name must be passed outside of this directory. e.g. use ArgoCD's Helm parameters.
The installation process follows the following pattern.
- Create a GitHub App for Backstage integration.
- Install ArgoCD and configure it to be able to monitor your GitHub Organization.
- Run Terraform. Terraform is responsible for:
- Managing GCP resources necessary for the Kubernetes operators to function. Mostly IAM Roles.
- Install components as ArgoCD applications. Pass IAM role information where necessary.
- Apply Kubernetes manifests such as secrets and ingress where information cannot easily be passed to ArgoCD.
- Run all the above in an order because installation order matters for many of these components. For example, Keycloak must be installed and ready before Backstage can be installed and configured.
title: Installation Process
"Local Machine" ||--o{ "ArgoCD" : "1. installs"
"Local Machine" ||--o{ "Terraform" : "2. invokes"
"Terraform" ||--o{ "GCP Resources" : "3. creates"
"Terraform" ||--o{ "ArgoCD" : "4. create ArgoCD Apps"
"ArgoCD" ||--o{ "This Repo" : "pulls manifests"
"ArgoCD" ||--o{ "Components" : "installs to the cluster"
This installation pattern where some Kubernetes manifests are handled in Terraform while others are handled in GitOps manner may not be suitable for many organizations. If you can be certain about parameters such as domain name and certificate handling, it is better to utilize GitOps approach where these information are committed to a repository. The reason it is handled this way is to allow for customization for different organizations without forking this repository and committing organization specific information into the repository.
Currently handled outside of repository and set via bash script. Secrets such as GitHub token and TLS private keys are stored in the ${REPO_ROOT}/private
We may be able to use sealed secrets with full GitOps approach in the future.
- Github Organization (free to create)
- An existing GKE cluster version (1.27+)
- GCloud CLI (2.13+)
- Kubectl CLI (1.27+)
- jq
- git
- yq
- curl
- kustomize
- node + npm (if you choose to create GitHub App via CLI)
GitHub app is used to enable integration between Backstage and GitHub. This allows you for integration actions such as automatically importing Backstage configuration such as Organization information and templates.
We strongly encourage you to create a dedicated GitHub organization. If you don't have an organization for this purpose, please follow this link to create one.
There are two ways to create GitHub integration with Backstage. You can use the Backstage CLI, or create it manually. See this page for more information on creating one manually. Once the app is created, place it under the private directory with the name github-integration.yaml
To create one with the CLI, follow the steps below. If you are using cli to create GitHub App, please make sure to select third option in the permissions prompt, if your GitHub App access needs publishing access to create GitHub repositories for your backstage templates.
npx '@backstage/cli' create-github-app ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}
# If prompted, select all for permissions or select permissions listed in this page
# In the browser window, allow access to all repositories then install the app.
? Select permissions [required] (these can be changed later but then require approvals in all installations) (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection,
and <enter> to proceed)
◉ Read access to content (required by Software Catalog to ingest data from repositories)
◉ Read access to members (required by Software Catalog to ingest GitHub teams)
❯◯ Read and Write to content and actions (required by Software Templates to create new repositories)
# move it to a "private" location.
mkdir -p private
GITHUB_APP_FILE=$(ls github-app-* | head -n1)
mv ${GITHUB_APP_FILE} private/github-integration.yaml
The file created above contains credentials. Handle it with care.
The rest of the installation process assumes the GitHub app credentials are available at private/github-integration.yaml
If you want to delete the GitHUb application, follow these steps.
A GitHub token is needed by ArgoCD to get information about repositories under your Organization.
The following permissions are needed:
- Repository access for all repositories
- Read-only access to: Administration, Contents, and Metadata. Get your GitHub personal access token from:
Once you have your token, save it under the private directory with the name github-token
. For example:
# From the root of this repository.
$ mkdir -p private
$ vim private/github-token # paste your token
# example output
$ cat private/github-token
Follow the following steps to get started.
Create GitHub apps and GitHub token as described above.
Create a new GKE cluster. We do not include GKE cluster in the installation module because GKE cluster requirements vary between organizations and the focus of this is integration of different projects. If you prefer, you can create a new basic cluster with the included commands:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \ --member "serviceAccount:${PROJECT_ID}[email protected]" \ --role roles/container.nodeServiceAccount
gcloud beta container clusters create-auto ${GKE_CLUSTER_NAME:-cnoe-idp} \ --cluster-version=${GKE_VERSION} \ --release-channel=${GKE_RELEASE_CHANNEL:-regular} \ --enable-dns-access \ --enable-google-cloud-access \ --enable-master-global-access \ --enable-secret-manager
If you don't have a public registered CloudDNS zone, register a CloudDNS domain (be sure to use CloudDNS as the DNS service for the domain). We strongly encourage creating a dedicated sub domain for this. If you'd rather manage DNS yourself, you can set
in the config file. -
Get the host zone id and put it in the config file.
gcloud dns managed-zones list --filter "dnsName ~ ${YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME}" --format yaml | yq '.name' # in the setups/config file, update the zone id. hosted_zone_id:: cnoe-domain
Update the
file with your own values. -
and follow the prompts. See the section below about monitoring installation progress. -
Once installation completes, navigate to
and log in asuser1
. Password is available as a secret. You may need to wait for DNS propagation to complete to be able to login. May take ~10 minutes.kubectl get secrets -n keycloak keycloak-user-config -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
Components are installed as ArgoCD Applications. You can monitor installation progress by going to ArgoCD UI.
# Get the admin password
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8081:80
Go to http://localhost:8081
and login with the username admin
and password obtained above. In the UI you can look at resources created, their logs, and events.
If you set enable_dns_management: false
, you are responsible for updating DNS records, thus external-dns is not installed. You have to set the following DNS records:
Point these records to the value returned by the following command.
k get svc -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
If you set MANAGED_CERT=false
, you are responsible for managing TLS certs, thus cert-manager is not installed. You must create TLS secrets accordingly.
Run the following command to find where to create secrets.
output=$(kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces -o json | jq -r '.items[] | "\(.metadata.namespace) \(.spec.rules[].host) \(.spec.tls[].secretName)"')
echo -e "Namespace \t Hostname \t TLS Secret Name"
echo -e "$output"
Secret format should be something like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: backstage.<DOMAIN>
namespace: backstage
tls.crt: <base64 encoded cert>
tls.key: <base64 encoded key>
The following components are installed if you chose the full installation option.
Name | Version |
argo-workflows | v3.4.8 |
argocd | v2.7.6 |
backstage | v1.16.0 |
cert-manager | v1.12.2 |
crossplane | v1.12.2 |
external-dns | v0.13.5 |
ingress-nginx | v1.8.0 |
keycloak | v22.0.0 |
external-secrets | v0.9.2 |
If full installation is done, you should have these DNS entries available. They all point to the Network Load Balancer.
You can confirm these by querying at a register.
dig A `backstage.<DOMAIN_NAME>` @
kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx
A GCP Load Balancer is also created. This is managed by the Kubernetes Service and points to ingress-nginx pod. This pod is responsible for routing requests to correct places. As a result, HTTPS endpoints are created with valid certificates.
openssl s_client -showcerts -servername id.<DOMAIN_NAME> -connect id.<DOMAIN_NAME>:443 <<< "Q"
curl https://backstage.<DOMAIN_NAME>
When you open a browser window and go to https://backstage.<DOMAIN_NAME>
, you should be prompted to login.
Two users are created during the installation process: user1
and user2
. Their passwords are available in the keycloak namespace.
k get secrets -n keycloak keycloak-user-config -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
- Run
and follow the prompts. - Remove GitHub app from your Organization by following these steps.
- Remove token from your GitHub Organization by following these steps.
- Remove the created GitHub Organization.
Uninstall details
Currently resources created by applications are not deleted. For example, if you have Spark Jobs running, they are not deleted and may block deletion of the spark-operator app.
See this doc for demos!
- by default it uses http-01 challenge. If you'd prefer using dns-01, you can update the ingress files. TODO AUTOMATE THIS
- You may get events like
Get "http://<DOMAIN>/.well-known/acme-challenge/09yldI6tVRvtWVPyMfwCwsYdOCEGGVWhmb1PWzXwhXI": dial tcp: lookup <DOMAIN> on no such host
. This is due to DNS propagation delay. It may take ~10 minutes.
See the troubleshooting doc for more information.
Click to expand
CloudDNS records. CloudDNS hosted zones are not created. You must also register it if you want to be able to access through public DNS. These are managed by the external DNS controller.
GCP Load Balancer. This is just the entrance to the Kubernetes cluster. This points to the default installation of Ingress Nginx.
TLS Certificates issued by Let's Encrypt. These are managed by cert-manager based on values in Ingress. They use the production issuer which means we must be very careful with how many and often we request certificates from them. The uninstall scripts backup certificates to the
directory to avoid re-issuing certificates.
These resources are controlled by Kubernetes controllers and thus should be deleted using controllers.
If using keycloak SSO with fully automated DNS and certificate management, it must be:
- ingress-nginx
- cert-manager
- external-dns
- keycloak
- The rest of stuff
If using keycloak SSO but manage DNS records and certificates manually.
- ingress-nginx
- The rest of stuff minus cert-manager and external-dns
In this case, you can issue your own certs and provide them as TLS secrets as specified in the spec.tls[0].secretName
field of Ingress objects.
You can also let NLB or ALB terminate TLS instead using the LB controller. This is not covered currently, but possible.
If no SSO, no particular installation order. Eventual consistency works.